Springfield Armory Loaded vs. National match


New member
I am lookng for a SA M1A and thought that I wanted a NM but now that I read the features on the loaded models that are cheaper than the NM I am not sure. Looks like the loaded even has glass bedding which the NM does not.

Can anyone tell me exactly why the NM is so much more than the loaded that seems to have all of the NM features?

sneaky pete

New member
Marketing !!!

old Sneaky here: Just about everyone who has bought a car has been followed by salesmen touting "Loaded" cars which USUALLY indicates a lot of Bells & Whistles which has gotten to mean not much. However NATIONAL MATCH screams Hand tuned -precission matched parts ready to shoot "Bug Holes" at 1000yds ?? Whenever a New rifle/caiber comes out the manufactures Tout that it is the best thing since sliced bread--Why--To sell their product--. Are they better?? People have Claimed that the 7.62X51(.308) was more Accurate than the replaced 30-06 which is nonsence. They both use the same projetiles( identical B.C.s)and can use the same powders.However the case capacity of the '06 IS LARGER than the .308 which can translate to more powder which = more velocity(less drop-less time being affected by the wind) at least that's what Physics says. Now the N/M gun might (?) shoot better then the Loaded gun( probably does) But then that N/M probably doesn't look as TactiKool as the Loaded one. So what are you wanting--potential better accuracy or "That Look" and what are you willing to pay for it. Myself--I'll always go for the accuracy-CUZ if it don't shoot good it's only nice decoration( something like a Trophy Wife). As a side note--ALL of the Service rifle teams( EVEN THE Marines) have gotten rid of their M-14s cuz the M-16s/AR-15 out shoot them all the time and the m-14s are very hard to keep "Tuned-up" to match quality--I mean M-16s out shooting M-14s at 1000yds--got to love it! BUT thats what works for me. THANX--SNEAKY
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New member
the NM is bedded which is most of the $ difference.I bought the loaded and am very happy.Plus you can always have your loaded bedded if you choose.


New member
Thanks Mav I appreciate it. If that is the only difference I can always do an ArcaGlass job on it myself later down the line. As long as the loaded has the NM sights, barrel and OR the money would not be well spent on the NM.


New member
The Match M1A has a match barrel. Differant (round) operating rod spring guide, reamed out flash supressor. Matched up parts, crisper trigger. And everyone I've see is glass bedded. Match sights, and a few other modifications. Brazed in gas system. The gas cylender and pistol are fitted to closer tolerances.

My super match also has a heavy barrel and heavy Bishop Stock. The stock is (I cant spell the word) "impregnated" stock that keeps moisture out.

Whats more, the NM, or more so the super match M1As are SHOOTERS.



New member
Bedding a M1A is best left to a pro. It's a very difficult rifle to bed even after doing several. It also requires some special fixtures to do it right. A bedded M1A should not be removed from it's stock so cleaning is difficult. The bedding wears out after a period of time and needs to be redone.
Unless your planning on competing with it it's not really necessary.
The standard is a good shooter and can be found at a bargain price. Unitize the gas cylinder, change the front sight to a .062 NM, send the trigger group to SA for a NM job and it well out shoot most 'loaded' models.


New member
My M1A 'loaded' has a TRW NM barrel, trigger and sights. It is NOT bedded, which is why its not a "NM" model.

It shoots very well, thank you, and the rifle is much more capable than I am.

The NM sights are great for paper punching, but for 'social' purposes, they are awful. I have ordered mounts and glass for mine this week.