Springfield 1911


New member
My buddy bought a Springfield 1911 45acp recently. It was impossible to install a "standard" ambi safety on the gun. Has any one had this problem or sucess with a particular after market brand of accessories that will work in the Springfield?


New member
What was the issue with the install? Never had a problem with Springfields and any brand of quality aftermarket parts.


New member
MadHatter1 said:
Most 1911 aftermarket parts, even 'drop in', require some fitting

Exactly, and especially a thumb safety which must be fit the sear for proper function. "Impossible to install" and not installed correctly are two very different things.


Thumb safeties on a 1911 are not drop in parts. They are made over sized and must be carefully filed to fit your gun's sear.

Jim Watson

New member
We may see the opposite problem here.
If the safety will go in the gun and move into the locked position without safing the action, it may not have had enough extra material to allow fitting.