Springfield 1911 EMP


New member
Hi there,
I am seriously contemplating getting a Springfield Armory 1911 EMP. Anyone who has one willing to share their thoughts and experiences and concerns with the gun?
Thanks in advance


New member
It's not a true 1911 ....it has a number of parts that are unique to the EMP / you can only use EMP mags - not wilson, etc .....

Having said that, it's not a bad gun if it fits your hands - personally I find it too small to suit me...but a few buddies have them & they think they're pretty good for the money.

You should rent and shoot one before you buy -- as well as other 1911's in 3" or 4" barrels - and alloy and steel frames in 9mm -- and 5" barrels in 9mm .....and compare and contrast what you like or don' t like about each one.... ( I like a full size 1911, all steel, in 9mm a lot !!).
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New member
The EMP was scaled down to fit the dimensions of the .40 S&W and the 9mm cartridges. That's why a number of the parts are non-standard 1911. The .40 S&W and 9mm are a bit more tricky to make run right in standard 1911s. I don't own an EMP but, aside from an isolated complaint here and there (as every manufacturer has), the gun has an excellent reputation.
Love my 9mm. If I carried regularly, this would be the gun for me for that. Accurate, nicely finished, dependable. Esp nice for a leftie, because it comes with a right hand holster, but if you ask Springfield, they'll send a leftie free. If you watch, OE mags sometimes go on sale for $20/per.


New member
Thank you for the responses and insights. I would like to rent and shoot one, but don't know of a place up here to do that. I have an XDm in .40 I like and several .45s but only 2 pistols in 9mm. The more 1911 style guns I shoot, the more I like them. I could forsee myself getting rid of my other semi autos and replacing them with 1911 format in the calibers I reload for.
Thanks again.

Shoot Safe and Often


New member
I would put money on the fact that if you bought one you would be very happy. May take a couple hundred rounds to break in but after that you will be a happy camper. The only thing maybe better but for more money would be a DW ECO in 9mm. (This response is only for the 9mm model.)


New member
The best 1911's I own are Wilson's ......and a 5" protector model in 9mm is a favorite / and my primary carry gun now.

Right now Wilson has 20 or so guns in inventory - ready for sale .....and several in 9mm .....check their website, there are some nice guns there ......


New member
The EMP is a great carry pistol and even better shooter, being accurate and totally reliable under all circumstances I have asked of it. I have shot hundreds of rounds through mine without incident.