Spring bear hunting banned in Ontario!


New member
Greetings All,

I thought I would pass this on. I heard about this last week and received further details this morning. Please check out the Minitry's Web site and write, call or email them immediately.




In a sudden move by the Ontario Natural Resources Ministry, spring
bearhunting has been outlawed effective immediately! The reasoning
was apparently based on emotional reasons and animal rights activists
rather than scientific knowledge. Officially it is to protect sows
with cubs, however the vast majority of responsible hunters would
not even consider shooting a sow with cubs. This law applies to
all forms of bear hunting, baiting, hounds, and stalking.


As hunting enthusiasts, we feel it's our job to keep you informed of the
various legislative issues that affect hunting. Modern technology such as
the Internet has allowed us to form a tighter hunting community to protect
our sport. This e-mail message has been sent to over 60,000 hunters who
have expressed interest in this information.

If you love the sport of hunting as much as we do, then you'll take the time
to make your opinion known to the people responsible for this decision.

We need to act now as a group, because the Ministry is accepting written comments
on this proposal only until February 20, 1999.

Comments should be directed to the following Contact Person:

John Snobelen
Minister of Natural Resources
6th Floor, Whitney Block, 99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3
PHONE: (705) 755-1902 FAX: (705) 755-2117

PREMIER Mike Harris
Queens Park
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A1
fax 416-325-7578
Ph 416-325-1941

The official website of the Ministry of Ontario:
