Sprinfield XD 40 problem


New member
A friend of mine has a new XD 40 compact. Out of about 100 rounds, he'll have 2 or 3 times where the slide lock engages in the middle of shooting a mag. Two different people have shot this gun with the same results. He brought it to me to look at. I figured that the slide stop tab was too long and possibly touching the upcoming rounds in the mag. When I looked at it, that is not the case. There is plenty of clearance. The spring tension to keep the slide stop down seems to be adequate. I have not shot this gun myself, but right now I am at a loss as to what could be causing this problem. Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be ? thanks


New member
If the slide stop isn't touching rounds and you're sure of it... and the spring tension on the slide stop is sufficient, the only other possibility really is that the shooters thumb is hitting the slide stop during recoil.

I put an extended slide release (Aerotek) on a G19 and every time I fired it I hit the slide stop several times a mag. It's not even that much of a change in terms of the location and surface area... but it was enough to cause false locks all the time.


New member
See how much shooting one handed, left handed you can do before it locks open by itself. If you have no thumb over there, you don't have to question whether or not it's being inadvertently hit.