Spreading The Word About The HCI Lawsuit


Moderator Emeritus
Right now it seems that the best thing to do to help the cause, is to spread the word to as many media and Internet outlets as possible. Possibilities include: radio and TV hosts, newspaper editors, letters to the editors, discussion forums, etc.

Let's keep a list of who we are contacting and what results we get. Here's what I've been up to:
Emailed the following people:
  • Lew Rockwell of the Mieses Institute at LewRockwell.com
  • Sean Hannity of Hannity & Colmes at Fox News
  • The editors of Hannity.com
  • The editors of NewsMax.com
  • The editors of TownHall.com
  • The editors of TheVanguard.org
  • The editors of SierraTimes.com
  • The editors of WorldNetDaily.com

Any suggestions for others who may run with this story? Have you sent this info to anyone else? Lets pull together and get behind this cause!

If it is helpful, please feel free to use what I sent to each of the above:
HCI Threatens Websites with Lawsuit

I think that your readers would appreciate knowing about the following matter. The press release containing this information is being distributed today at the SHOT Show in New Orleans. Please feel free to contact Richard Lucibella, Executive Director of Liberty Watch, Inc. or myself if you have need of any further information on this.

http://www.handguncontrol.net and http://www.cphv.com are two websites that counter the lies of the "official" HCI and CPHV websites. Recently, HCI and their legions of attack-dog lawyers have demanded that the owner(s) of these two sites terminate their use of the URLs and turn the rights to them over to HCI and CPHV.

A new group, Liberty Watch Inc., has opened its umbrella over both these sites and is joining the fight against HCI and their team of litigators. Liberty Watch has a newsletter that will keep you up-to-date on the progress of the fight. http://www.handguncontrol.net/Common_Sense/index.htm

HCI has a history of trampling on the Second Amendment. Now, it appears, they are also willing to trample on the First to get to the Second.


Mike in VA

New member
Good on ya, Blues, I sent a link to the thread to Gordon Liddy, hope he picks it up, I don't think he has much use for HCI & co. M2

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
I've contacted the following:

Utah Gun Owners Association.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
Utah Shooting Sports Council
Wahsatch Shooters Association
Wahsatch Desperadoes

The Salt Lake Tribune
The Deseret News

I'm still working on getting it out to others. :)


Rush Limbaugh has been sent a copy. As has Ken Hamblin. Probably won't matter to either of them, but you never know.


Moderator Emeritus
Just sent info to:


I can't get to the GOA site right now for some reason. I'll try again later tonight, unless someone else would like to email them.

EDIT: Just found their email addy and sent info to GOA as well.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I assume we all know this, but no one should look at this list to see who has "already been gotten" and no longer needs to be contacted. We should all be sending this to the same people. It will probably escape notice from someone like Rush or G. Gordon Liddy the first few times it's sent, but if they notice that they've gotten several messages on the same topic, they'll be more interested.


New member
Sent a letter off to our local conservative talk show host. He doesn't usually do Second Amendment issues, but maybe the First Amendment aspect will get his attention.
