spray for long term storage?


New member
i have a few guns that sit in the back of the safe and i never shoot it and rarely handle it. can anyone reccomend a spray for the metal ?


New member
I just asked the same question.
The answer was overwhelmingly BreakFree.

I bought BreakFree Collector. It's advertised as a long term storage preservative.

It's a little thicker than what I'm used to, kinda like 10W oil

Sir William

New member
First clean the weapon. I usually wipe one down with basic rubbing alcohol and allow to airdry. I then apply a good carnauba wax, allow it to haze and hand buff. If you use dessicants or a golden rod, there isn't any need for a spray coat of oil. I would run a wellsaturated with your choice of lube patch through the barrel. Oil the action as normal and store back in the safe.