Spotting Scope

Dave P

New member
I see that Creedmore has a 60MM 15X45 Water Proof Spotting Scope on special for $150. I am looking for my first scope to use at 200 yrds (.308 holes).

Any reason this should not suffice?

Technically, it has the right obj diameter, and the right power. I like the 45 deg eyepiece.

Any feedback?

The Plainsman

New member
I hope I'm not wrong, but the scope I saw at the web site link you provided looks suspiciously like a BSA scope. I ordered one from Midway for about $81. When I got it, it was "disappointing", to say the least. Among other things, it would not focus properly and the tripod was "cheesy". The rubber rings for both the zoom and the focus were simply broad rubber bands that stretched and slipped if they were warm. I returned the scope for a refund.

I'd suggest that you check it out before you send them any money.

If "the people" in the 1st, 4th, 9th & 10th amendments, means "the people", why do some folks think "the people" in the 2nd amendment means "the state"?

John Marshall

New member
You're correct in thinking the BSA looks somewhat like the Basics scope from Creedmoor. I would bet, however, that the BSA is a knock-off of the Basics unit.

Jim Hill and Creedmoor Sports have a better reputation than to offer junk for sale.

Then again, we both might be wrong.

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.

Dave P

New member
Thanks guys, Plainsman was right, it is a BSA. I will pass on it, but continue my quest.



New member
Get one with the biggest objective lens you can afford and get it with the eyepiece mounted an an angle. You will be able to see in dimmer light and will not have to move your head so much when you use it to spot. With the staight eyepiece you have to move around a lot to see the target. With an angled eyepiece when the scope is properly positioned you only have to turn your head to view the target. Just my two cents worth.