Spoke too soon--Salem ranges

Guy B. Meredith

New member
My first shot at finding ranges in the Salem/Corvallis area that allow public use was disappointing. HOWEVER, I spoke too soon--before going over all the info on the sites. :rolleyes:

It turns out that the Albany Gun Club--which I had thought to be unfriendly to non-members--holds a goodly number of activities each week open to all. This Wednesday I'll be dropping in to check out their defensive handgun practice which includes defensive shotgun practice as well.

Life is good. :cool:

Bud Helms

Senior Member
The Fort Valley Gun Club in middle Georgia has a similar policy. It is open to the public to participate on match days.

It helps keep up match participation.


New member
My range has the same policy. Range is used for members only, but pretty much every event is open to the public. Even the parties. Most of them at least ;)