spoiled by my Apex trigger


New member
So I picked up a new CZ-75 SP-01 Tactical and as much as I was looking forward to it, I thought, "man this trigger is not nearly as nice as on my M&P"

Who would have thought I would be spoiled by a polymer pistol's trigger compared to a steel gun's? As much as I didn't want to ruin a good moment with critical thoughts, I just had to note that the Apex Tactical forward set sear and polymer trigger is much crisper, has less over-travel, and a shorter reset. I think reset wasn't quite as big a deal when the CZ75b was designed back in the day as folks were coming from the revolver side of things over to semi-auto.

It's a good thing that I got the SP-01 Tactical out of nostalgia: the first pistol I ever shot was a glossy blued CZ-75b. I didn't know anything about triggers so I didn't pay attention to it back then. These days since I couldn't get the blued version anymore, I felt the need to "upgrade" a little and got the SP-01 instead. So it's a keeper and I plan on seeing how well I can make it perform stock before I "cajunize" it with Cajun Gunworks parts. I got the decocker due to IDPA rules saying that if you have a decocker you start at half-cock rather than hammer down all the way. Maybe I can prove to myself that I don't need a "nice" trigger to shoot well. Others have proved it but I feel like I usually give in too early and start buying aftermarket parts.
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New member
That'll happen when you compare a stock pistol to one with a fair amount in aftermarket parts. The M&P's operation makes getting a nice trigger simpler than it likely will be for the SP-01.

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New member
Either give it a good amount of range time/dry firing or take the time to polish the internals. That will make a huge difference the CZ triggers. CGW just takes it she extra mile after that.

CZs don’t always have the smoothest triggers out of the box. They need some love to get the rest of the way, but the platform is soon so it’s worth it.


New member
My CZ 75B has 3000 rounds through it and the trigger is worlds better than my new SP-01. Iv been heavily considering sending my SP-01 off to CGW, but only after iv put a thousand rounds or so through it first to give the trigger some time to smooth out.

I like the pull weight of the SP-01 trigger, but the reset is insane! I think putting the short reset in lowers the pull weight a little bit which is just an added bonus.


New member
My PPQ has a better trigger than the Springfield Range Officer 1911 I had.

The PPQ trigger is light and crisp, though lots of takeup.

The Range Officer was clearly heavier, though less takeup.

I think Polymer triggers, even some of them out of the box, have gotten much better than they were ten years ago.

Glad you enjoy the Apex. I have yet to shoot one.


New member
Guyand, if you have a PPQ I wouldn’t spend money to try the Apex trigger: although the reset is short it’s still weak. I personally am not so picky about reset within reason but it seems to be a factor for lots of folks. It’s the way the M&p was designed. Attempts to increase the reset including the Apex RAM and updated mag release bar merely apply lateral pressure on the trigger bar as it slips over the sear. As a result it doesn’t really push your finger back into place on the reset, but the updates try to provide some sort of vibration to let you know the reset is there. Nice and crisp though..


New member
CZ's have some funny triggers when new. Some are better than others. The saving grace is that CZ's do respond very well to trigger work.

I have a few CZs, and I have 2 that after a little work, ( 100 dollars and my time) actually have nicer triggers than any of my 1911s.


New member
A good trigger makes shooting more fun (and accurate). My newest pistol (TP9sfx) has a trigger that puts it into a three-way tie with my '68 S&W 41 and my SIG p210 American. I burned through 150 rounds in the Canik last Sunday keeping a 4" plastic ball bouncing on the sixty yard berm. I can't do that with the triggers on most of my other pistols.