Spin off our gun laws...

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New member
I'm sure will get locked but I saw it on another forum and thought it was funny and well written, I'm sure some of yall will get a kick out of it. :D

Obama's coming for your computer.

I saw this on the news; I'll try to find a link. Here's the basis of the story...

Obama wants to ban your computers. Yep, you read that right, especially the laptop versions. Here's what evil features of computers he wants to ban.
1. Folding screens.
2. Detached mouse.
3. Removable hard drives with a capacity of more than 10GB.
4. The ability to mount into a docking station.
5. Anti-reflection screens.

But wait there's more.

- If your computer has a volume control or mute button, you will need to register it with the FCC as a "Suppressed Computer" and pay for a $200 tax and submit your fingerprints to the FBI.

- If your computer's screen is smaller than 16 inches, it will be considered a "Short Screened Computer" and will also need the registration with the FCC and $200 stamp.

- If your computer operates faster than 54K it is considered a "Machine Computer" and will be illegal unless it has been registered by the day the law goes into effect. You will still be able to buy these "Machine Computers" but not newly manufactured ones. Of course the government will be able to get these new and faster computers.

- If you have a cell phone or PDA that can connect to the internet, send emails, or even text messages, this will be classified as an "Any Other Computer" and will need the registration with the FCC but only requires a $5 tax stamp.

- If you want to carry your computer with you and use away from your home, then you will need to apply for a permit with the state you live in. Some states like Vermont have already said that every citizen will not need a permit. Here's the catch, not every state will allow for this right and your neighboring state may not recognize your permit.

Can you believe this? I think we need to create the National Computer Association and fight for our First Amendment rights! Who's with me?


New member
Don't forget about being able to build foreign computers from parts kits, but having to meet the legal requirements by having seven USA made computer parts to be compliant.
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