Speaker Hastert Wants Anti-gun Crime Bill Before Easter


Member In Memoriam
Speaker Hastert Wants Anti-gun Crime Bill Before Easter!
-- Send the letter below to your Congressmen in opposition

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org

(Tuesday, February 15, 2000) -- Capitol Hill insiders have told Gun Owners of America that House Speaker Denny Hastert (R-IL) would like to push the anti-gun crime bill out of the conference committee before the Easter recess.

Because this is an election year, the Speaker wants to get this gun bill "behind him" before the Congressional races heat up this Fall.

It is imperative that you contact your Representative and Senators now, and remind them that this crime bill is more about gun control than crime control.

You will remember that GOA members and activists have been on the front line of opposition to this bill. But because of the long Congressional break that included the Christmas holidays, many Congressmen have not heard from you, the constituents, on this issue for quite some time.

Now is the time for your elected representatives to hear from you again!

ACTION: Please clip and send the letter below to your Representative and Senators. You can get contact info for your
legislators on the GOA website. You can also call them toll-free at
1-888-449-3511; or reach them at 202-225-3121.

----------------- (clip-n-send) -------------------


As long as the anti-gun crime bill (H.R. 1501) remains in a conference committee, I hope that you will let House and Senate
leaders know that this bill should NEVER see the light of day.

Consider just some of the problems with this bill.

The Senate version of the crime bill -- and the likely conference report -- would ban the private sale of firearms at gun shows unless the gun buyer submits to a government-registration background check.

The Senate language could also implement greater gun owner registration, since the bill includes a new requirement that could
give the government the serial numbers of firearms gun owners have recently purchased.

The bill would allow federal bureaucrats to slap an indirect tax on firearms purchasers at gun shows by letting them impose higher fees on gun show promoters -- fees which, of course, get passed on to the buyers.

The bill limits self-defense with lock-up your safety requirements. And it opens the door to BATF harassment of gun owners by committing $40 million to increasing the presence of that agency -- not to
investigate murders, violent felonies, or crimes of violence, but to pursue firearms "offenses" (such as record keeping and other innocuous errors by otherwise law-abiding Americans).

I hope you will totally oppose this anti-gun crime legislation.

Please let me know what you intend to do.


Joe Mama

New member
I just sent the Honorable Mr. Udall a letter regarding this bill and my opposition to the continued funding of a largely redundant (and irrelevant) BATF.

veritas vos liberabit


New member
I'll send an urgent letter to John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and James McGovern right away. Oops. I forgot. I don't have any representation on the gun issue.

Did I ever tell you about the press conference I attended for James McGovern that had Barney Frank, Sarah Brady, Cheryl Jaques (Jakes) (author of S.180 see http://www.goal.org) and a few lesser gun grabbers? I actually got to ask the only question that was allowed as after that they were just plain "gun shy".

She had stated that the gun grabbers had the grass roots support for gun control. I asked here that if she had that support, why is it that when gun control is put to a fair vote it is always defeated such as Prop. 15 in CA and I-676 in WA. She stated that Prop. 15 and I-676 were badly written laws that no one could understand. No more questions please.

So I sauntered up to her and told her that I was in CA at the time of the vote on Prop. 15 and the exact wording on the ballot was "Should the possession, sale, and manufacture of handguns be banned in California?" Real ambiguous language there.

I was nice and I was non-combative. I even shook her hand and that of Ms. Jaques when proferred. I also kept my shirt-jac over the tee shirt I was wearing that has a hammer and sickle, swastika, and Red Chinese stars with the slogan "Ask the experts ... Gun control works"

Some of my buddies were a bit miffed that I was within spitting distance of Sarah and didn't.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.


New member
Sent letter to Jerry Weller (IL). Hope he does the right thing.

"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side


New member
Here's a TOLL FREE number for the capitol. Just ask for your Representative.


Get busy on this one.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!


New member
Just sent my personal letter to my representative (Lois Capps-California). Probably will end up in the trash as do most every letter I send. When I do get back a return letter, it contains the same language each time "I support the right of citizens to own weapons and use them for legitimate purposes of self defense, hunting, and other sporting activities. However, ..Blah, Blah , Blah!!!." She then votes everytime with the anti-gun crowd. I can't wait to "FIRE" her in November.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.


New member
I have Dianne not-so-Feinstein and Barbara Boxface as senators, and a first-class clown named Mike Thompson as the representative--talk about lack of representation!

But I'll keep writing more letters and e-mails anyway.