Spare Components?

roy reali

New member
I was just doing a quick inventory of my reloading supplies. I have many boxes of bullets that have just a few left. I even have some cans of powder with hardly enough in them to put together more then a few loads. Should I toss these, I could use the shelf space? Should I throw together a few reloads using these components, even though I wouldn't have enough rounds to amount to much? I'll probably leave them there for "someday".

Does anyone else here have spare reloading components sitting around? You know, boxes with a few left over bullets or cans with a few grains of powder left in them?

What do you do with those?


New member
I have die sets for cartridges that I don't have guns for anymore. I guess I'm keeping them in case I get another gun for those calibers. I also have assorted brass for cartridges that I don't reload for anymore. Some of them are older then I care to think about.


New member
If it is powder I know I'm going to buy more of I usually pour the remainder of the old can into the new one. Same goes for bullets. I hate to toss anything if I can help it. Of course if I know I won't be re-stocking it I grudgingly toss it. Just because space is getting smaller all the time!


New member
I'm a pack rat... always have been.

If it's annoying you, get rid of it. But for me, I look at the amount of shelf space a plastic bullet box takes and it's comical to even consider tossing it. Really. I've got a box of .400" Speer 180gr TMJ bullets... I think there are 8 bullets in that box. And they are just plain ugly little slugs. I've had these leftover 8 slugs since the summer of 1992.

I've been using Nosler 150 grainers these days... So whenever I get a hold of someone else's 180-gr jacketed 10mm slugs, I'll probably load up those last 8 TMJ's right along with them.

And you know what? I'll keep the damn empty box. I will-- for certain! :D That's a guarantee. I still have the first can of Bullseye that I ever emptied. (I don't toss empty powder cans... I think they look cool displayed above the load bench. It's these items that truly "make" the man cave.)


New member
I usually maximize my storage space by selecting powders that will load more than one caliber or one gague. If its a powder I will not use again - then I would dispose of it. If its one I use all the time - I will just use it up / refill the powder measure on the press with powder from the new container ( and check the powder drop - in case the density is different ).

I never have bullets left over - I load whatever I have in the container.

If I switch primers - I remove the unused primers from the press - put them back into the original packaging and store them like my other primers.

Rich Keagy

New member
It's best not to mix identical powders from different batch Lots. This is to say, don't mix old and new powders, even if they are the same brand/type.
Small amounts of powder can be broadcast on your lawn or flowers. It is a mild fertilizer.
By all means, keep those bullets. Something to show a grandson or nephew some day. Gotta keep the chain growing..


New member
Yep, I've got some 30 year old H4831 that has about 50 loads to go. I'll put the rest in the garden. I don't worry about same brand, same weight bullets - they just mix with the others.


New member
I has been my experience that you can mix lots of the same powder with no adverse effects on accuracy as long as the powder density does not differ by more than 5% or the date of manufacture by a couple years or so. I've never let a jug sit for more than 2 years. Of course, this requires you to keep track of density, which is not hard to do, but apparently many casual reloaders fail to do so.

Odd components such as powder, brass, and bullets from loads that did not work out may still be used for practice in wind reading, hold, and follow through.

I don't pour out any powder on the lawn and garden until and unless there is not an amount sufficient to load any of the other leftovers.........

Mal H

I'm afraid I'm much like Sevens in the pack rat area. I just checked and I have a Speer box holding 1 (count 'em - one) .308 150 gr flat nose bullet for 30-30. I haven't reloaded for 30-30 in about 35 years! Danged if I'm going to throw it out now! :) (Oh, and I still have the dies for that caliber.)

I also found a 45 year old box of Speer 52 gr .224 HP bullets for my 22-250 with 4 bullets left in the box.

I have several large cardboard boxes full of empty bullet boxes, powder cans, and ammo boxes. Hey! You never know when you'll need one! :D

Pack rat - yep. Space is cheap, but that 40 year old empty can of 4064 is irreplaceable.