Spare Barrel?


New member

Time for me to have built a 1911 fighting pistol (70 Series foundation). I've envied too many people who have carried the same pistol for 10-30 years and now it's my turn for a truly personal firearm.

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to have a second barrel fitted (maybe w/bushing) at the same time that the gun is fitted. This way, I'll always have a spare that is as original as the gun.

Whatd'ya think of this idea?

Jim V

New member
Works for me, I doubt that you will shoot a barrel out but I have seen barrels that have sheared the link lugs off and I've seen bulged barrels.

I'd consider having a second hammer/sear set made up at the same time so if fomething goes south with them it would not take much to get going again.


New member
In my case, it is a good idea to have a spare but purchasing a barrel of a 1911 in most gunstore here almost half of the price of the main gun. Also, the law here considered a barrel as a complete gun. My only purpose to have one perhaps is when I have other intention to use of not being traced. I will have a spare barrel and a spare firing pin, that way the gun is clean whenever it was used in foul-play.


New member
the law here considered a barrel as a complete gun

I wonder how long before some dumocrat starts complaining that the only reason to have a spare barrel is to get around "ballistic fingerprinting" and creates a law like that here.

Rick R

New member
From what I've seen with the 1911 you'd be better off with the spare sear, hammer and a spare slide stop as these are the parts that usually break.



New member
Yeah, these other parts are parts I could buy and drop in myself, -or worse case, cannibalize from a spare 1911. Fitted barrel & bushing is something that is beyond my means.