Spanish CVA Hawkins Questions

XD Gunner

New member
I just acquired a Spanish made CVA Hawken. I had a few questions if the fine membership would oblige.

How do I properly clean the rifle?

What is the optimum powder load and type, and will it safely and accurately fire a conical (Minie Ball type) projectile?

I can have pics up in a few hours if anyone can tell me anything from them.
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New member
I shoot 65 grs of FFg with a .490 ball and .012 lubed patch, very happy with accuracy so far but need to shoot it more.

I use hot water then follow with Balistol/water mix, after its clean I finish with a patch dipped in rubbing alcohol to dry it out. Last patch coated with Wonder Lube 1000 to store it.

XD Gunner

New member
Hawken, not "Hawkins."

Yes, I know. I'm not entirely sure why I put Hawkins twice, I am, and was, well aware that it is actually "Hawken". It's even stamped in the barrel of the gun as well.
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How do I properly clean the rifle?
There are as many different 'proper' ways to clean a black powder rifle are there are people doing the cleaning. Everyone has his 'my way works best' formula. I use hot water with soap, followed by hot rinse water and thorough drying with patches and towels. Run a basin/pail/bucket/sink 'full' of hot water with soap. Remove the barrel from the rifle (some folks don't do this - the following can be done with an adapter screwed into the nipple hole and a length of hose with the end submerged in the soapy water) and place the breech end in the water - the nipple hole needs to be under water. Place a wetted patch over the muzzle end and run it down the bore with a rod with a cleaning jag on the end. When it reaches the bottom it will force dirty water out the nipple hole. Draw the rod back out and it will suction water up into the bore, cleaning it out as you go. Repeat several times until the water that comes out is clear. Drain the basin/pail/bucket/sink and fill with clear hot water. Repeat the patch/rod routine to rinse. Dry with several dry patches as soon as possible. Clean the nipple by soaking in hot water/soap; use a wire pick to clear the touch hole and a pipe cleaner from the other end. Use a soft brush and a little water/soap around the nipple hole. Dry both the nipple hole and the nipple thoroughly. Oil all parts, bore, etc. with non-petroleum based oil - I'm using Ballistol but there are several adequate commercial products and some home-brewed solutions that will work. Use a good anti-seize grease on the nipple threads.

What is the optimum powder load and type, and will it safely and accurately fire a conical (Minie Ball type) projectile?

Impossible to answer. Each gun and gun owner likes their own solution. I'm a patched round ball fan; for a .50 I'd start with 70 gr ffg real black powder and a .490 ball with a 0.015 lubed patch. But there are many good combinations that will work also. Try 80 or 90 grains. Try fffg real black or Pyrodex or 777. Try .018 thick patches. Vary the patch lube material (spit, bore butter, moose snot, Ballistol/water solution,...) This can go on and on and only you can decide what works best for your gun. It's a great excuse to get out and pull the trigger. This sport is not for a lazy man.

PS: yes, it will safely fire a minie ball/conical.

XD Gunner

New member
Thanks for the information so far. I suppose a better question would have been,

"Will it fire a conical ball accurately, or is the rifling more suited to round ball?"

This is my first Muzzleloader, and I literally have zero experience with them. Your patience is welcome and appreciated!


New member
Some info on how to clean,Step by step, with pictures.

Out of that CVA Hawken i highly recommend the 295gr Aerotip Powerbelt with 80-90gr Pyrodex RS. That load is a killer in my brothers cva hawken.

For cheap and easy target fun, and even effictive hunting - .490 round ball with either a .015 patch or .018 patch with 80-100gr Pyrodex RS. Im currently working up a round ball load for my brothers Hawken.

Do yourself a favor and update those sights. The factory sights arent all that great.


New member
My 30 year old CVA Hawken kit gun has a 1:48 ROT, which says it is capable of firing both patched round ball and conicals accurately. I've only used roundballs, however, so I can't say for sure.


New member
From a previous post:

You can determine the twist rate by inserting a tightly patched cleaning rod all of the way down into the barrel breech, marking the rod with a piece of tape and then withdrawing the rod slowly until the tape rotates 1/2 or 1/4 of a turn. Measure the distance that the rod was withdrawn from the muzzle and then multiply that number by the denominator of the fraction that the rod turned.
1/2 of a turn in 24 inches is a 1 in 48" twist.
1/4 turn in 15 inches is a 1 in 60" twist.

For example, if the rod rotates 1/4 turn then multiply the inches that the rod was withdrawn by 4.
If the rod rotates 1/2 turn then multiply the inches that the rod was withdrawn by 2.