SP101 Recommendations


New member
Hello all, I have been lurking & researching for several weeks and am ready to ask some questions. I am looking to get my first handgun (I've shot .22's before, but never owned one), with plans for getting my CPL once proficient with it.

My original interest was a .357 revolver for pocket carry, and was considering the SP101 and the SW 640. Based on reading here and elsewhere I was leaning towards the 640 for the slight size, weight, & enclosed hammer benefits.

Recently, I changed my mind and determined that I will not be pocket carrying, but rather will IWB-Tuckable, most likley worn somewhere between 3-4 position. Based on this I started leaning more towards the SP101 since the slight extra weight & size wouldn't be as big of an issue in this manner of carry and it gives the benefit of handling full .357 loads. It also dawned on me that I may not need to limit myself to small frames either.

So, my questions come down to the following, keeping in mind that concealability in a Tuckable-IWB, while wearing slacks & polo shirt, is essential.

1) Should I consider stepping up a size, possibly to a GP100? What do I gain & lose by doing so. Seems I would gain some shootability & 1 more round, but seems it would be somewhat more difficult to conceal.

2) Dealing with the SP101, I can't decide on which barrel length. When I was planning pocket carry, I was definitely planning on the 2-1/4" barrel, but now for IWB, I'm wondering if stepping to the 3-1/16" would be advantagess. Opinions seem to be that the 3" does offer better ballistics & shootability, but can be slightly harder to conceal. Since I absolutely cannot be made when carrying, the possibility of more difficult concealability concerns me, but I like the idea of the better shootability.

3) Third I need some recommendations for GOOD tuckable-IWB's for the SP101 in both size barrels. I prefer the split dual clips with the holster in the middle as opposed to the single clip holsters. When wearing at the 4 o'clock position, does anyone wear the gun butt forward, I thought that might be comfortable.



New member
This is just my opinion, but I would stick w/the SP101 for IWB carry. I've never owned or carried either, but I have handled both, and the SP101 would definitely be easier to conceal.

Also, I personally would go with the 3 1/16" barrel if you are going to carry, since it points easier and the extra barrel length won't hinder you when carrying.

Finally, I don't use tuckable holsters, but I do use a forward cant on my carry holsters, and I like it, as it seems to me to make it easier to conceal, especially when carrying in the 4 o'clock position.


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Insane Irish, first allow me to say that I'm definitely no expert in CC. I'm planning on taking th course soon, but like you, I have racked my brain trying to figure out which method of conceal and carry will fit me best. I spoke with a retired Dayton police officer yesterday, and he gave me some helpful advice. He said, "there's four of us that work in this gun store, we all agree to disagree on the best handguns. However, one thing we all agree on is a small "J Frame" pocket weapon. You can take it any where (allowable by law of course) with a pocket holster." He then went on to say, "there's two things you must keep in mind when involved in gun fight. 1. Have a gun. Sounds silly, but if your cc weapon is uncomfortable, you will eventually leave it at home. You can't win in a gun fight if you don't have a gun. 2. Carry a trusted weapon. He recommended .38 and .357 mags. If you carry large and loud but miss your target, it does you no good. Now if you're comfortable with large and loud and you are a good marksman, then by all means, carry it! But don't let ego get in the way of winning a gun fight. Now, I'm just telling you what he said, and it seemed to make a whole lot of sense to me.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I would go with the 3 1/16" version, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the best choice for you. I've carried mine very easily concealed with a jacket in an OWB holster in cooler weather and an IWB holster in warmer months.

If interested, here's a "range report" type article on the SP101 which does contain some chronographed velocities.

http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/Ruger SP101 Report.htm

Best and good luck.


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I've got a short barreled SP101 (1 1/2 inch?) that I carry sometimes although I mostly carry a P7M8. I recommend the 38 over the 357. The 38 has plenty of power with the right ammo. I think a 357 is overkill for a CCW. Mine is very accurate, meaning I can hit cans most of the time at 10-15 yds. I don't think I have ever shot paper for groups with it. They are a little heavy as compared to a S&W, but that helps when shooting. I use a Bianchi hip holster with a snap but I can't remember the model number.


New member
Recently, I changed my mind and determined that I will not be pocket carrying, but rather will IWB-Tuckable, most likley worn somewhere between 3-4 position. Based on this I started leaning more towards the SP101 since the slight extra weight & size wouldn't be as big of an issue in this manner of carry and it gives the benefit of handling full .357 loads. It also dawned on me that I may not need to limit myself to small frames either.
For IWB carry, I think you'll find any revolver larger than an SP101 to be a challenge. Even the SP101 is rather thick at the cylinder.

If you're going to carry IWB, why not consider a semi-auto? I've got an SP101 and a 642. For me, their purpose is pocket carry. If I'm going to carry on a belt holster, I can carry something with a longer sight radius, better sights, and more ammo. YMMV.


New member
I own the SP101 with 3". I've carried a number of weapons for a number of years. If you're going to go with a snubbie, then the two biggest issues are weight and the cylinder bulge and how it feels when you go IWB. OWB it doesn't matter but revolvers tend to be a bit more uncomfortable IWB unless you get a good holster and get the right fit on pants.

Having said that, the SP101 is an excellent gun and I LOVE mine but it is HEAVY at about 27oz. Thats as much as most 3-4" 1911 .45's. Therefore holster selection will be critical and I'd recommend to anchor points on each side of the weapon, nothing that has the loop on top of the holster because it's already thick enough with the cylinder. I'd recommend something like a Brommeland Max Con V or something very similar.

Next point; have you considered an Airweight S&W like a model 642? Unless you want .357, the .38 642 can be carried all day long in comfort as compared to the SP101.

The 3" SP101 makes a great field or fishing gun worn OWB; I'd recommend a K&D Laredo Defender Holster for OWB carry of this weapon.

Final thought, even though you say you'll never pocket carry, I'd recommend you keep that option with the smaller barrel for defensive purposes. The 3" model looks good and can be carried IWB or OWB but the shorter barrel will conceal a bit better and you'd be able to pocket carry on the odd occasion you want to although the SP101 is awfully heavy for pocket carry.

Just some thoughts. I like the S&W 642 for CCW but own the ruger SP101 for fun and it is fun to shoot!

God Bless


New member
I carry my 2 1/4 inch SP101, but I mostly use a Bianchi Minimalist on the right hip. It is very comfortable even in the car. This works great for all but the really hot weather and then I pocket carry. I do not find IWB very comfortable.


New member
I own both a Smith 637 and Ruger SP 101 and I think they are both fine weapons. To say that you can disregard weight because you plan on only carrying IWB is a short sighted statement. I usually carry my Smith IWB but do carry both in my pocket or OWB as my need, mood and attire see fit. I think that long term you'll see the same thing. Lighter weight gives you more carry options. My recommendation is that a Smith is your best choice for CCW and after all, how good is a CCW license if you leave your gun at home because its too heavy or doesn't fit what you are wearing? If you insist on buying a Ruger, I think that a GP is too large for useful CCW. You could pull it off, I can CCW my Glock 22, but its not a practical carry weapon if you plan on carrying daily. As far as barrel length, I prefer the 2.25 inch snub but its a matter of opinion.


New member
I have the 2 1/4" SP101 DAO that I carry:
(1) In my jeans front pocket with a Uncle Mikes pocket holster.
(2) IWB with a UM holster also.
(3) In my coat pocket with no holster, hand on gun in pocket (dark parking lot scenario). That's where the DAO (spurless) works well, just fire through your coat if need be.
I have no problem with any of the above methods.


New member

For me, I like IWB with my hammerless 2" barrel (I cross draw). For me, pocket carry of my SP101 is to annoying due to the heavier weight. I would think that IWB with a 3 inch barrel would be borderline for me.


New member
thanks for all of the replies. I'm not saying I am completely disregarding the extra weight, just that it is less of an issue when carring IWB than pocket. I am definitely going to try to shoot and test carry both length barrels if I can find them before I make my purchase.

Can you guys put some pics &/or links for good tuckable IWB with two two split clips?

Oh yeah, do speed strips come in 5 shot or are the all 6, I've only seen 6 so far.



New member
Oh yeah, do speed strips come in 5 shot or are the all 6, I've only seen 6 so far.

6 so far as I know is the only option. Either carry 5 in the speed strip or carry 6 to have an extra. I carry 6 and like the thought of an extra on the strip if I need it.


New member
I've only ever seen 6 round strips.
I'm partial to the 2 1/4....great feel...as for speed strips, I carry five in mine and cut off the thin end tab so it doesn't stick out of my watch pocket...I also leave the middle hole empty so it is 3 space 2...makes loading the first 2 a bit quicker...



New member
don't shoot it's me: What do you think of that front sight? It's the gemini customs bit right? How easy was it to install? Seems pretty simple but I would definitely want to get it right.

Insane Irish: I shot both the Ruger SP101 and the S&W 640 just last week. Let me say that both are excellent guns. The completely internal firing mechanism on the Smith is pretty sweet. I don't like the grip that comes on the stock 640. Whether, you're one to spend the extra bucks on a nice custom one eliminates that problem. They are both stainless steel which I prefer especially if you are going to be shooting something as heavy as .357's. The lighter guns are just going to add to the amount of recoil you feel. The trigger on the Smith is a little lighter and "smoother" but I prefer the Ruger. I definitely prefer the stock Ruger SP101 grip but you've gotta add the $25 wooden grip inserts the plastic just doesn't cut it.

Holster that get's my vote is the mitch Rosen Workman (at bottom of page)


Mind you I won't get mine for another month so I can't vouch for wear. I agree on the separated snaps for holsters, I really like the Milt Sparks Versa Max II. However, as big as the snubby revolver is I don't think movement will be much of a problem. A sturdy belt and a quality holster ought to do.

Point is I prefer the Ruger SP101 for concealed carry and it's what I'm about to start carrying. To be a hundred percent honest I got rid of my Glock 36 and switched to the 2 1/4 101 recently. It is a little heavy and a little bulky for someone of my size to pocket carry. The problem with pocket carry for me is the buldge in the front and the butt sticking out of my back pocket. I've carried the gun IWB for a month or so know and really like it. Not to bulky, butt doesn't stick out when you bend over. You can choose to carry or shoot both .357 and .38 special. The weight shouldn't bother you with a good holster and belt combo. Also, the Ruger is built like a tank. If you want a defensive carry weapon that is accurate enough I think it's an excellent choice. I quite like mine. You will not be driving tacks with either the Smith or the Ruger. Both the sp101 and the 640 are excellent choices so you really wouldn't be making a bad decision with either.

One last thing, while I'm voting for the Ruger don't forget that Smith is excellent about it's warranty program. The 101 is cheaper. So many options, what do you think?


New member
don't shoot its me

Don't Shoot, I am also interested in the front sight you have on your SP-101. Could you tell me who makes it {if its gemini address please} and where I can get it.

Insane Irish, I can only add my experience with the SP101 which is my carry gun. For IWB you may get away with the 3" but forget it for pocket carry. I have the 2 1/4" which gives me no problem with IWB or pocket carry. In the winter & spring if I go out & take jacket off IWB is not feaseable { shirt is tucked in } so I pocket carry in a MIKAS pocket holster even with Hogues its comfortable. I use a ballistic nylon holster for IWB I found its the most comfortable and functional. I can sell you my leather holsters which look nice but are uncomfortable for me. ;) ;)
It is a gemini custom, but I didn't install it myself, although it doesn't look to hard to do if you are handy...I bought my SP from Gemini for 410.00 which was cheaper than I could find in Cali and since I knew I wanted to send it out for an action job, I saved shipping it to Marc....I opted for his base package and he recommended the sight as an add on...it is really quick to pick up and although it may not be as good as a night sight when it's real dark, it is more practical and fun for range shooting....besides the action job, the basic package consisted of a nice meld job, bead blast, and polishing of the trigger and pins....since I only shoot 38s in it, I decided against the porting...all in all, I'm very happy....I mostly carry my 442 airweight but I did pick up a high noon Mr. Softy for my SP which works pretty well for the times I do tote it...


If you like pocket carry, it's hard to beat the 4442/642 at 10 ounces lighter....the Ruger is just too heavy in that role IMO...

I would stick with the SP101 for carry. I also am partial to the 2.25" barrel. I think it is the perfect length for an SD gun. I carry mine in a Don Hume OWB belt slide and it conceals well. It is one of the heavier of my crry firearms but it is manageable. I did change the grips out for some Eagle Secret Service rosewood ones.
