SP101 Fever - I think I'm infected


New member
Started last night sometime. I've had SP101's on the brain ever since. I have a Smith 642 for concealed carry, and a Smith 686 6 inch for under the bed and range work. Somehow I feel the need to bridge the gap between the two, and the Ruger seems to have everything I'm looking for. Anyone else been infected?


New member
You could say that I have a thing for SP101's......


And for that matter Ruger revolvers in general.


I have a Smith 642 for concealed carry, and a Smith 686 6 inch for under the bed and range work. Somehow I feel the need to bridge the gap between the two,

I did it backwards from you.

My 3" SP101 was my only .357 for about 6 years. I didn't NEED a 2" ultralight snubby, or a 4-6" hunting or service magnum.

Though, I did have a pair of .44 Redhawks to put off the need for a full sized .357 revolver.

After about 6 years I ended up with a Smith 642 no-lock and a model 65.

But that SP isn't going anywhere. The other two will go before it will. It's probably LAST to go on my wheelguns, even after the Redhawks.

The SP-101 is a GOOD buy.


New member
Melissa5 said:
You need one in target grey, RR.

I know......and I didn't even know they made one in Target Grey until I saw the photo of yours. Now I know they made them and now I want one.

........I blame you........:D.


New member
You guys really know how to encourage me. I'm thinking I need a .357 in stainless, 3 inch barrel. Ever see any used ones? I can't find any around here.


New member
Yeah, I have an SP101 3" barrel in .357 Mag. Even though I got a big ol' Taurus Raging Bull that's bigger and badder, something about the Ruger just seems.....solid to me. I can't explain it. It just feels indestructable and I find myself asking which I'd take into a battlefield (well, I'd take an automatic weapon of some kind but that's a different story), and even though the Bull is in .44 Mag and eats the recoil to almost nothing, I find myself saying I'd probably take the SP because it just feels more dependable and I've never ever heard of ANYONE having problems with them.

I think its about a perfect as a concealable small frame handgun will ever get. If some has/will make a better gun with the same caliber at the same size, I'd pay money just to see it. Its truly a gem that I will treasure always.


New member
I really like my Ruger

Snub .357 but it had to put a Hogue grip and have a gunmith work on the trigger and polish some sharp edges....is it a Colt Diamondback? No
but for 440 bucks its better than a Model 60 IMHO IMHO and who in the hell wants to pay 700 plus for one these days and put up with the lock?


New member
I got lucky about a month ago and found one with only about 25 rounds through it. Needless to say I snagged it real fast. Been in love with it ever since.

PI Rob

New member
I know how you feel! I've had a S&W M36 for a long time and it has been a fine pocket carry pistol. I recently picked up a nice S&W M60, but for some reason that little Ruger snubby has been on my mind for months. I've handled a couple of the SP's and now I've got the itch as well. It's a good feeling gun that's for sure:D


New member
They are great revolvers, reliable, compact and carry well, and they do bridge the gap well between the J-frames and the larger 6" revolvers. After seeing all these photo's, I already want another one.


New member
To be fair though, about the only thing I don't like about the SP is that the hammer seems a bit hard to cock compared to other revolvers IMO. Mine was bought mint new so I can't say its the fault of my gun or a previous owner, etc. My bigger .44 mag's hammer feels like butter when I cock it, but the SP requires considerably more effort and I even get thumb fatigue after 100+ rounds or so at the range (yes I tend to plow through a couple of hundred rounds at the range each time I go there, my wallet hurts more than my wrists with ammo prices the way they are)


New member
I bought mine with the spurless hammer, Evenflo80. It shoots great all the time, comfortbly, with no fatigue.