SP101 3" .357 followed me home today


New member
First post. Been lurking for a while, but was waiting for the correct moment.
Thought I would go ahead and share some eye candy with everyone.

So, I paid more than I should have for this gun, but I don't think I could have managed to live another day without it.....

I know they all look the same, but thought I would share of pic of my newest acquisition. Taking it to the range tomorrow morning.


And a pic with it's brother:



New member
Nice. I really like the SP101 in .357 mag and 3" barrel. Now you need to get its bigger brother, the GP100.


New member
Nice guns. I have the little brother except mine has the external hammer.

It points and shoots great. I carry mine with 38 +P ammo to avoid the noise and recoil.


New member
Is that laser etching on the barrel of the new one? Looks a lot better than the roll stamp on mine!

You'll get a significant velocity boost from that extra inch of barrel, too.

Go buy the IBOK for that and do a trigger fluff & buff. It becomes even better.

I think you'll enjoy the gun. Congratulations.


New member
Yes. It is the new laser etching. I honestly prefer the roll stamping on the shorter guy.

As for the IBOK.... I have both the original electronic version...and the new paper version. That front site is going bye, bye for a mepro tritium. Gawd, love the feel and balance of this gun.


New member
Congratulations! :cool:

Be sure to do a detailed write-up of the differences between the two after you shoot. It's a question that has come up a fair amount over the years.


New member
a fine piece. i have the smaller one also and what a great gun. it is # 1 it realy is. i also have gp100 in 4 inch and would like to obtain one blued in 6 inch. love the guns so much . cant get enough of them
Yes, that will be my next gun as well. I'm kinda tossing around the idea of a Model 60 Pro (also a 3"), but I like to load em up hot so only a Ruger will do for daily hot loads.

Like others have said, try out a GP-100 6" It's a beautiful thing.