Soviet PSM Pistol


New member
I read up a bit about this particular gun and it's a very interesting piece. Very slim and small with a round that gave the idea for the 5.7x28fn so I have heard.

Does anyone here own or have fired one at any point and how rare are they for purchase?

I realize if you did locate one that firing it wouldn't be much of an option because ammunition is even rarer since the production ended in 85'. However for someone like me who enjoys the history of the weapon, it doesn't matter much.


New member
After reading your post, I did a quick bit of research. You're right--the PSM is very interesting. Looks like it replaced the Makarov. There's one for sale over at Gunbroker. Go ahead and hit the "Buy It Now" and let us know what you think!
OTs -38

There's a couple of cool - ultra cool - Russian pistols ie. one is the OTs-38 silent revolver. It's a snub-nosed 5-shot revolver with a built-in silencer that fires a special silenced-ammo(the bullets are seated in the cartridge in a special way and appear moon clipped) The pistol is very concealable and looks like a regular snubbie except there are some thin tubes that wrap around it...and the cylinder swings out at a diagonal angle. It reportedly virtually 'silent' when fired. There's also a semi-auto version and the special silenced ammo has been adapted to a variety of cartridges - pistol and rifle. I can't recall the designer's name exactly, but he's a top designer ie. his name sounds like Stecker or Stecky ? :D