South Carolina Gun Laws


New member
Might be moving to South Carolina late this year or early next for school and I am wondering what the gun laws are like there.

It looks pretty gun owner friendly. Shall issue permits, no open carry at all (boo), able to carry a handgun in your car, NFA items permitted, Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws in place.

I know I can't get a license to carry because I am 18 which is unfortunate, but the same situation I'm in here.

Can I still bring the handgun that I legally own here in Florida?
Do they have any kind of Universal Background Checks? I'm not seeing it if they do
Are there any sensitive areas beyond publicly owned buildings that I can't have my gun in my car?
Did they end up passing constitutional carry or is it still a possibility of being passed? I saw that they were making a big deal of it a while ago but haven't heard anything since then.

What about knife laws? I have a 4" cold steel folder I like to have with me and some pepper spray here in lieu of a firearm.

I know these answers are out there, but I'm hoping you guys can help me out a little.