Source for used firearms books?

Jeff Thomas

New member
I'm trying to locate 'The AK47 Story' by Ezell. It is apparently out of print. I've tried to locate used firearms books before, and it has always been a hit or miss proposition. Gun shows are one source, but pretty time-consuming.

Anyone had any luck finding a more efficient way to locate out-of-print firearms books?

Thanks. Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 13, 2000).]


New member
Hey Jeff,

Mike Irwin from the Firarms Forum.

E-mail me and I'll pass on my mother's e-mail address. She's been in the book business for 20 years, and has a lot of contacts. She should be able to track it down for you in short order. --Mike

Gopher a 45

New member
I'm not trying to take away business from the small businessperson, but if you can't locate it any other way, Amazon will do an out-of-print book search for you for free. It can just take a while sometimes.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Thank you very much. Lots of good advice.

kframe19, thanks for the offer, but I was honestly hoping for a web site.

abebooks and bibliofind are perfect. Found what I was looking for in no time, and already sent off an order. Amazon works, in my experience, but takes quite a while sometimes. addall is also quite a find, and very helpful - interestingly, a search there takes us back to abebooks and bibliofind!

Thank you very much for all the help! Solved my problem overnight. Regards from AZ
Kframe, I'm going to have to email you about a couple of books I've been wanting. The shelves on the bookcases aren't sagging enough yet.

duck hunt

New member
A book search site I just tuned into for old out of print stuff is .

I like it 'cos I just found out that all the old beat poetry paperbacks that I picked up at thrift stores for fifty cents a pop when I was a high school hipster are worth about a hundred bucks apiece. Here I thought I was being all anti-social and counter-culture when in fact I was just a burgeoning capitalist! :)


[This message has been edited by duck hunt (edited April 14, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Thomas:
Oh, kframe ... don't get sensitive on me now. ;)

Tell mom I'll call. Honest. ;)

Regards from AZ

Hey, is this the same Jeff Thomas who posts on Warships 1?

I thought you were formerly a member of the CIS Firearms Forum, but I think I was mistaken about that. --Mike

Jeff Thomas

New member
Mike, I'm not the same guy - never heard of Warships 1. TFL is my main 'haunt'.

duck hunt, thanks for another link for out of print books.

Also, just finished buying my book from a small bookstore up in Ontario, Canada! Found it on in no time, and the price was quite reasonable. Chatted with the store owner for a short while, and she was a pleasure. An amazing thing, eh? I find exactly what I want, reportedly in 'new' condition, takes maybe 10 minutes, and it is sitting on a shelf in a small bookstore thousands of miles from my home. The Internet is really quite amazing sometimes.

Thanks again. This is why I love TFL - good people helping each other, every day. This is one of the most efficent educational experiences I've ever had.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 14, 2000).]