Source for 30/06 stripper clips?

Will Fennell

New member
I just got a nice '03'A3 Springfield in a trade....1943 manuf., Remington. I'm stoked...I've always wanted one, not just to oil up and put in the safe, but to SHOOT. I love shooting Milsurp bolt guns, and I've always thought that the '03'A3 was the cream of the crop.

Soooooo, I need some stripper clips....anybody know where to get some?

BTW, I think Bambi is going down Old School't issue reciever sight style, before the Thanksgiving weekend is up:D


New member
Garand clips

All the Danish ammo I've seen so far (I bought plenty of it too) has been in Garand en bloc clips, not on strippers.

Don P.


New member
Strippers in SPRINGFIELD?

What will Ned Flanders say? :eek:

Uh, ain't the 30-06 strippers the same as the M14 strippers? My M14 strippers work in my Ishy Enfield, dunno why they wouldn't work on a 03.


New member
Not sure, but 8mm mauser stripper clips may work, lot of simularities between the '03 and mauser and 8mm has same case head as 30-'06. They are plentiful around here with all the Turk surplus being shot up, I picked up a couple dozen last week at the local range.