Sour Corn Hog Bait


Staff In Memoriam
Here is how I make it... I have trapped hundreds of hogs in a years time...
50# bag of whole corn
50# bag of crushed corn
2-3 packs of yeast
Big Blue Plastic Barrel
Put the 2 bags of corn in the barrel poured so it is kind of mixed up. Add 2-3 envelopes of yeast or more. Fill with well or pond/creek water (NO CHEMICALS) make sure you have enuff water so when the corn swells it won't be above the water. loosely cover and let sit for 7-14 days... (It ain't moonshine until you distill it...;) )
I scoop it out with a large restaurant sauce pan with long handle. Haul it in 5 gallon buckets... USE THE WATER/JUICE I sling it up in the foliage as the scent will "waft" great distance in a hurry.
Some folks add raw eggs (a couple dozen:barf:) and other nasty stuff I care not to inhale...
Good luck and happy hunting... If it is illegal to hunt over bait place it near the rooting and shoot them when they are enroute to it from a legal distance.

B. Lahey

New member
Hell, you can make so many gallons for personal consumption without sweating the Dept of Revenue. You may as well use the mash.

Cheap booze and free pork, the best combo ever.
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oh yeah that will have 'em come a'running. but you can distill around 10 gallons whiskey for personal consumption before any trouble w/the feds so don't let the mash go to waste!
soured/fermented fruit from distill operation does as well.


Staff In Memoriam
By all means add left over fruits and veggies... I don't mind the "sour mash" smell. I won't do any thing from animals however:barf:
As for "stillin" I would check our friends at ATF real close... It is not just a tax on the sale. They want to tax for the "right" to make it at all. I understood it as ANY hard alcohol (distilled) MUST be REGULATED (taxed)... So for ya'll that think 10 gallons etc... I ask "How often?" per day, week, month or year?
Wine is allowed for PC (personal consumption) as it is not distilled.
I have a big pressure cooker I thought of making into a mini-still but would hate to get popped or lose the use of such a nice cooker.

B. Lahey

New member
It's per year and it only has to be taxed if you sell it or make more than the limit.

I can understand not wanting to have to convince a government agency that you only made seven gallons last year when they come sniffing around your mash barrel, but it is legal within certain limits.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...It ain't moonshine until you distill it..." No, but yeast and corn sugars will make alcohol. The pigs in Florida are drinkers are they? Just curious.


Staff In Memoriam
Yes hogs every where are very much mash lovers... Actually stories say that shiners kept some hogs near the still and fed them the mash and if a revenuer got found by the still they went in as pig feed too. Hogs will eat 'bout anything from what I hear and see. When they eat a deer carcass you might have a skull left and a little hide.
I have made the sour corn and smelled a STRONG alcohol level higher than cheap wine for sure.