Sort of odd home invasion case...


New member
Yes, it will be interesting to see if they determine how the robbers knew about the firearms. We probably need to be careful when we share information about our collections since we really don’t know how far that information might go.


New member
That is exactly why I make it a point not to discuss how many guns I have. I have also discussed this with my Wife and son.

Additionally, again we see a citizen protecting themselves and belongings and the police taking too long to actually do anything other then taking a report. If I wanted reporters I would call the paper. When I call the police it is for something urgent and would hope they would arrive in time to help. In too many cases though this is just wishful thinking.

Not meaning to come down hard on the police, I know some do actually try. Just don't tell me the police are here to protect me so I don't need a gun... :mad:
An old insurance contact asked me about gun thefts a week or so ago. Said theft was way up nationally. I figure since the ATFE isn't supplying anymore...


I was showing my pool guy ($100 a month waste of money) some of my new guns, but I've known him for years and trust him. But, he had an employee with him I did not know. He was very fascinated with them, and a 20yo black guy that knows revolvers and my new 1944 Mosin Nagant really impressed me. He said ohhh, that's a 30cal, my dad has one (30cal=gray area).

So I already had my Ruger 5.5" 44mag out, I said this is what they get if they come in my house, as I was showing him what I keep it loaded with, 240g +P HPs.

He laughed (Gulps!) uncomfortably, and said "Cool!" I then told him, as if he doesn't know, a .38 or a 9mm will poke holes in you, a .357mag will poke bigger holes in you, a 44mag will blow parts off you. LOL

Point? I should have never did that in the first place. After thought.

TBS, I really have my S&W 638 snub for SD and HD, ready to rock, but my bed buddy is a .357 snub. That flash bag of a 44 will disorientate them and I, but don't ask me what my NY reload is!:D:eek::D


New member
Unless you contstantly give out info about where you live I think you are OK. Knowing you live in Georgia really doesn't help me. I wouldn't post pictures of you outside anywhere near your dwelling either as some may recognize landmarks in the background and be able to figure out where you are. Posting pics of stuff while inside your home placed on a table for example is likely pretty harmless.


New member
Unless you contstantly give out info about where you live I think you are OK. Knowing you live in Georgia really doesn't help me. I wouldn't post pictures of you outside anywhere near your dwelling either as some may recognize landmarks in the background and be able to figure out where you are. Posting pics of stuff while inside your home placed on a table for example is likely pretty harmless.
That's why I would not photo my face with anything that can be seen publicly


New member
Yes, it will be interesting to see if they determine how the robbers knew about the firearms.
Keep in mind that there might not actually be any firearms other than the homeowner's pistol. The newspaper article only says that the robbers were "looking for several safes that contained firearms"; it doesn't say that the safes were actually there!

Most crooks aren't fastidious fact-checkers. A juicy rumor is sometimes all it takes. Perhaps the best example is the 1959 Clutter family murders in Holcomb, Kansas, that were immortalized in the book "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote.
Unless you [constantly] give out info about where you live I think you are OK.
I beg to differ. If you own property, the deeds and property taxes are generally public record, and can be searched anonymously via the Internet. Even if you're not a property owner, there are various private and public sector databases that can be used to track down virtually anyone who doesn't live their life on a 100% cash pay-as-you-go basis.
That is exactly why I make it a point not to discuss how many guns I have.
I'm with this guy. :)
Well, those seem to be some contradicting opinions...

Most crooks aren't fastidious fact-checkers.

I beg to differ. If you own property, the deeds and property taxes are generally public record, and can be searched anonymously via the Internet. Even if you're not a property owner, there are various private and public sector databases that can be used to track down virtually anyone who doesn't live their life on a 100% cash pay-as-you-go basis

So you have your non fastidious fact-checker criminals and you have those who apparently gain access to your purchasing records via credit cards or other invasive searches.

Something tells me if crooks have access to that information, they aren't going to bother with trying to find guns in my house. They will be emptying bank accounts and getting my credit cards issued to them.