Soooo...the PT 845 is in the mix...

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What are your thoughts on the PT 845? It appears to be refined from the 24/7-OSS family with some differences in the firing mechanisms.

Does anybody have some range time or own one of these?


New member
Not a bad looking gun....but I do not like the front cocking serrations. If I did not already have my XD45, I might invest in one of those.

I just read a write up in Shooting times about the 845. It looks nice. Taurus sure cranks out new designs.

Their article is what prompted me to ask. I don't normally take mag articles opinion with much more than a grain of salt, but the features/descriptions of the 845 was intriguing.

I don't have any desire to buy it, but I'm still interested in new and different models that come out.


New member
What are your thoughts on the PT 845?

I sure hope it fares better than other Taurus semi autos. With the exception of the PT92/99, most are garbage. This isn't meant to be a general bash on Taurus, just my own extensive experiences with them.
I have shot a .45acp 24/7 OSS, and was impressed with it. Taurus seems to be heading down the right road with their semi autos now. The PT845 looks promising.


New member
The more I look at the 845 the more I realize it has a lot in common with my PT945. I know they use the 24/7 as comparison, but I think thats just because that is a later model. The PT945 has alloy frame (not polymer) but it has hammer. DA/SA with ambi thumb safety. When I look at the photo's the 845 seems like the 945 workings. The 945 is single stack with 8+1. I mostly have S&W, Colt, Ruger, & SA. The PT945 is the only Taurus I own, it has been a very reliable pistol. I actually like shooting it as much as my Colt 1911.

The 845 seems to be more of a 945 with double stack & polymer frame. That's not a bad thing....just noting the similarity.


New member
Taurus Myth VS Reality

This is my version of Taurus myth vs. reality. I have said before I own just one Taurus, a PT945. It has been very reliable for about 2000 rounds. I own mostly (multiple's of each) S&W, Colt, Ruger, & SA.

-Internal parts are barely above pot metal grade. I have had my Taurus apart way past field stripping and the parts look to be about the same quality as my other pistols. I recently did take apart the mag. release to put in a stronger spring. I was surprised at well this part was made. Look like a well made machined part. Same for the slide dis-assembly release and the hammer & trigger mechanism.

-Taurus is junk because it is lower cost. Hard to convince me. I bought a low cost Ruger MarkII in 1956 for $37.50. I have put more rounds through this pistol than any firearms (rifle or pistol) that I own. Thousands upon thousands. Still all original parts. So low cost does not necessarily mean junk.

-Taurus breaks after just a few rounds. Some times this happens, but many Taurus pistols shoot thousands of rounds without a problem.

-Taurus quality control is spotty. Not as good as it should be. I agree. Having worked in industry producing machined parts I know that good QC is more a function of good management than cost. Taurus does have a general QC problem that needs to be addressed by their management.

-Taurus customer service is bad. I have never had my pistol serviced, but apparently this is true. Again a weakness on Taurus part. It does no good to have a life time warranty if you don't provide the service to back up that warranty.

-Do some gun owners bash Taurus just because they are low cost & popular?...yes.

Many think people buy Taurus just because it is lower cost. Not true. In my case I wanted a pistol with certain features and the PT945 at the time met those needs..including fit to my hand.

Would I buy another Taurus? Not sure. I do want Taurus to do a better job of addressing QC issues.

The above is my story and I am sticking to it.:cool:


New member
Taurus 845

I have multiple Taurus pistols. As a matter of fact I have sold my Kimbers and Colts and even a Wilson for them! I now own the new Taurus 845 as well as a PT111 9mm.( my wife's carry gun), 24/7, 24/7OSS,PT145PRO,945all in .45. That being said I am a little bias toward them. This talk of poor craftsmanship scares me but I have had not a single issue with all my guns and I shoot at least once a week. I now carry the 845 everyday it is as reliable as they come and the single action with the external trigger is sweet,it has a de-cock with safety for first round double action or you can carry it "cocked and locked" for a first round single action. It also comes apart for field cleaning easier than a Glock! I have put well over 1000 rounds through this weapon with no issues at all! This handgun (my opinion) is the best most versatile handgun that Taurus has produced on a semi- auto frame. If you are thinking about purchasing one I highly recommend it.


New member
growing up

I have watched Taurus 'growing up' for many years. Closer.....

But a very recent shooting experience with one of their modern offerings reminded me again of the crap-shoot.
Revolver or semi-automatic, still a crap-shoot.
Friend is waiting for his new 94 to arrive, so I'll once again get to actually handle and shoot another Taurus.
(He bought it for its price only).

I have no bash against Taurus, owning a PT22 I've kept very (very) near me for a dozen years; fine gun.
But I recognized the reality when I bought it; only as good as the one in my hand.
Bummer for my friend who bought the very recent experience; that one went bye-dee-bye in under a month (and 2--300 rds).
So while Taurus pistols offer 'features', the ones I miss most are reliable function and accuracy.
I can handle the rest.

IF Taurus offered a gun that I wanted, I might still buy it, because they very often sell good guns.
I know; I own one.

They need to print a new catalog every other month....


New member
I've had good luck with 5-6 Taurus pistols. Oddly, the only pieces of crap I ever got were S&W and Colt pistols, which of course had no warranty and cost me an arm and a leg to get fixed.



New member
I just read a write up in Shooting times about the 845.

An article by Dick Metcalf! Notice that most Taurus articles are by him.

I lost all faith in him when he utter that the Taurus Judge was the greatest self defenses sidearm ever. He must get green in his pocket every single time he mentions on TV or Print ‘Tuarus’. He has been pimping their products for years. I have had a 75% failure rate with Taurus revolvers and will never but anything with Taurus on the side ever again.


I lost all faith in him when he utter that the Taurus Judge was the greatest self defenses sidearm ever. He must get green in his pocket every single time he mentions on TV or Print ‘Tuarus’. He has been pimping their products for years. I have had a 75% failure rate with Taurus revolvers and will never but anything with Taurus on the side ever again.

In fairness, Dick's probably never been sent a defective Taurus (remember, those guns are sent to them by the manufacturer, they aren't bought at shops like normal people, how much you wanna bet the gun writer samples are thoroughly inspected prior to shipping?). I think a lot of folks would like Taurus a whole lot more if they could pick one up and be at least remotely confident it'd work properly.

I have yet to see a gun writer not gush about whatever they are writing about.

Apparently the gun mags decided there was no profit to be made by telling people certain guns were crap almost since the beginning. The idea is to get you excited about an awesome new product you'll want to buy, but first buy this magazine so you'll know you want to buy this gun! Gun writers also never long-term test their guns for durability, exposing deficiencies in the manufacturing of guns that seem pretty nice when new (think Charters and Bersas).


New member
Taurus 845

Ok,would any of you carry the 845 as a primary duty weapon if you were a policeman? Now I am most certain finding a duty holster will be a hard find.


Ok,would any of you carry the 845 as a primary duty weapon if you were a policeman?

You gotta be kidding me, right? A Taurus as a duty weapon?

When Taurus can establish a track record of reliability similar to SIG, Glock, S&W, and Ruger maybe - until then, forget about it.
Ok,would any of you carry the 845 as a primary duty weapon if you were a policeman?

Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, NO WAY. This gun and its design as a whole is entirely too new to be condidered a duty gun for LE.
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