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New member
When is TFL going to merge with THR? They're clearly running on the same database. It strikes me as time to combine your services and make it easier for everyone.


New member
Although there is less traffic here there is also less name calling and divisivness regarding "civilians" and police.

I quit THR because I was told in no uncertain terms to cease posting any news article that puts police officers in a bad light regardless of gun content.

Threads I started were being closed for no reason or explanation and when I would ask for an explanation I would be berated by the moderator for being disingenuous and a police hater.

The final straw was a thread started by Oleg about shooting cops that violate
your civil rights.

I have nothing against Oleg and I'm sure he wasn't made aware of me not being allowed to post news articles about police officers misusing firearms.

But I figured a 18 page thread about shooting cops made the situation hippocritical enough for me to leave THR permanently. A few others expressed the same sentiment but for different reasons.


New member
I was banned from THR for no reason. I asked Justin & he said that he felt that I "didn't really contribute anything to the site."

I then sent a e-mail to Oleg, who was much more polite than Justin, and he told me that on their list of top 10 people with the most complaints against, I was number 2:eek: . I had no idea it would be that high. Most of the time nobody sent me any PM's or email's complaining with the exception of one member in particular.

I think that when people are offended on THR, they go straight to the mods whining & complaining instead of PMing the person who upset them & talking it out.

I once won a contest on THR. I won a free scope. Then weeks went by without a email or anything from the person I won the scope from. I didn't whine or cry to the mods. I figured that since I didn't have to buy anything to win, I didn't lose anything. Then one day out of the blue I got a email. It turns out that he was having trouble communicating with the person who won the other scope so he just sent me BOTH scopes. My patience was rewarded. :)

In short, I'm glad THR & TFL are different.


New member
he told me that on their list of top 10 people with the most complaints against, I was number 2

I didn't know there was a list!

The practical knowledge here is better. The more outlandish entertaining posts are over there.


New member
"smug" will now get you banned there

Personally, coming from Texas, I thought this was pretty annoying. It's Oleg's show and he can do what he wants, and I'll still visit and post there...but I won't visit and post on the "Strategies and Tactics" forum because I don't take well to the kind of censorship they've adopted.

Springmom, who is not usually terribly bloodlusting, but could make an exception over there just once, I suppose.... :D

Mal H

They're clearly running on the same database.
I'm not sure how that is clear or how you arrived at that conclusion. There are no plans to merge and I would be extremely surprised if that topic ever even got into the planning stage.

We don't allow forum fights here on TFL (or on THR for that matter). Even though the original question wasn't anything about that, it was an honest question, the following posts did turn into just that.


(Wow, how Draconian of me!)
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