Sometimes It Pays To Shop The Local Guys


New member
I don't buy much of anything anymore (in fact I've been in the selling mode for a while), but I still love to go to the local gun shops and poke around. The only new gun that I've seen and have been interested in lately is the SA XDs. However, I wasn't going to buy one, because I just didn't want to spend any money.

Last week I put another gun on the chopping block (S&W model 13) and thought I had it sold, but after accepting the guys offer I didn't hear anything from him. So, Saturday I stopped by a new pawn shop just to see what they had to look at and they had an XDs for $529, which is the cheapest that I've seen it anywhere locally. I asked if he wanted to do a little swapping and a few minutes (and a little money) later I walked out with the XDs.

Just for fun I checked Bud's and their price for the same gun (all black) was $649.:eek: So, it really does pay to shop around and not get stuck into thinking that online is the least expensive.


New member
Shot it yet?

It would probably be one of my choices for concealed carry if i decided to carry. Looks like an awesome little handgun.


New member
I would not have traded a Model 13 for an XD.

A model 13 with a 4" barrel and Pachmayr grips is nothing special. They are on GB all of the time and don't bring much more than what I got out of mine (I made a couple of bucks over what I paid for it on the trade). They are like model 10s - a dime a dozen. That being said, I probably will not be trading away my RB model 13 with a 3" barrel any time soon.


New member
I have purchased almost all my guns locally. It's not just price, it's service. My favorite LGS will pull things off the sales floor to hold for me to look at a gun or research it. They also have not charged a transfer fee on the couple of guns I have purchased long distance. I'm also lucky because Bud's is local to me and they usually have good prices, though not always (obviously).


New member
I totally agree. I took my little brother shopping for his first gun and we went to the LGS so he could look at a bunch. All he had shot really was a H&R 22mag revolver, XD9 and XDm9. He thought he wanted an XD9 and I told him to keep an open mind and look around and try a bunch out.

He finally came to a FNP9 which I had never handled either and it had a real good feel to it. Talked to the sales lady and sure enough the seemingly reasonable price got even better when she said it came with FIVE mags. WOW! Can't beat that. He snapped that up even though it was over the budget he had set for himself.

Even if it's not for the great prices there is nothing like being able to at least handle an unfamiliar gun prior to buying it.

I've never actually bought a gun long distance...


New member
I always buy at a locally owned shop. The owner gives me good deals and I like to keep my money at home. My wife is definately on his "A" list of customers. I hate all the regulations and fuss at the big box stores. It's like they think you are stealing from them or are going to load up and shoot up the place.


New member
My policy anymore for gun stores is simple. If employees are allowed to carry (open or concealed) I'll shop there, if not I won't. This gets rid of all the chain stores which tend to be anti in their own policies.

There's a chain sporting goods store here in a shopping complex which has a signing stating "no firearms allowed in the shopping center expect those purchased at ****** store."

No thanks...


New member
I've bought all my guns online and transfered them to a shop. One day I came in, and they had a Ruger Redhawk 5.5" blued for $425 in North Las Vegas 9mm glock land. it had no place there. Sitting next to it was a Taurus .357 7.5" barrel for around $475. LOL

Guess which one I bought? It is mint with the Hogues, and the original wood grips. No box, but who the heck cares.


New member
I TRY to buy all my gear locally. Often I can find something I want on line, but it's not on display in any of the LGS's so I try to work a deal with them to order it for me. I don't mind paying a moderate premium to buy locally. A good "brick and mortar" store beats online in my book, although sometimes you have no choice but to buy online.


New member
I am fortunate enough to have a few gun shops close to my house and work. From what I can see they are far cheaper than the chain stores. I am always telling people about them and taking them with me. I hate to see a store like Gander Mountain charge so much for a gun that someone could buy from a local dealer.


New member
It's three miles to the LGS and 80 miles to the nearest big box store. I get as good or better prices on guns at LGS plus I can run down there in a few minutes to fondle a pretty good selection of guns in stock. They will order with no charge and if I change my mind after I order they don't charge any restock fee or anything.Why go elsewhere?


New member
It depends on the LGS. I want to by at the LGS that also includes the range. I usually just can't bring myself to do it however. Anything under 10 bucks is priced at 10 bucks. So you can imagine what the firearms are marked up like. There's another LGS, through a back road about 4 blocks or less away.

I bought my LE6920 there. $30 more than the cheapest I found at a big box store, but the guy gave m more than $30 in freebies. Sure not all of them are especially useful freebies... I have no idea where I'm going to use the box of tracers the guy gave me until I'm back on a farm in Iowa. But the boresnake was a nice touch, and with a couple boxes of discounted ammo, I got back my $30 plus the free tracers I can't use, but appreciate for the gesture.


New member
Jimdandy, that's what I think is so good about the local guys. They want your business and do little things to keep you coming back. I had bought 3 guns from one close to me in about a month and they gave me a great deal on a unidot scope for my MKIII. They got it on a trade in but I bought it for less than half of the original price and it has worked great for me. Not a single problem.


New member
I do like Smiths and have several, revolvers and semi-autos. I also have an XD40 that is an exceptional shooter. I like the 40S&W round and I really like the XD platform. I think that you did fine on your trade.


New member
I deal with a LGS a few miles from where I live. They say hello and call me by name when I enter the store. Their prices are competitive with the chain stores, plus they usually throw in a freebie or two with a big purchase.

deputy tom

New member
I've never bought guns on-line. Always with a certain few LGS and those guys set up at the local gunshows. Over several decades I've made some good friends and I prefer to support them vs. strangers with a slight price break which is often is off-set by additional fees ie shipping and the FFL charges. YMMV. tom.;)

ETA I did once buy a .22 at wal-mart and a shotgun at Dick's. I also buy magazines,holsters and accessories from CDNN or Midway sometimes.:)


New member
Ive tried to support the LGS. When I lived in Texas City, I used to shop at Elite sound and security. I bought a G36+extra mags and ammo, then bought a PX4 .45, not to mention the accessories and ammo over time, went in again to look at a XDM 3.8 and was told I could not handle any guns unless I was going to buy right then, I explained that I had bought from them before and that if I was no longer allowed to handle the guns I would no longer shop there. The owners wife shrugged her shoulders and said we're doing fine without your business.

I now live in Baytown, the only real gun store here is Magnum Firearms about three blocks away. I tried a few times to compromise with the owner on prices but, they wouldnt budge. I tried to buy a Mini 30 mag from them. they were asking 55 +tax. I offered 35+tax (I know they are going for 26.00 from Buds). I was told that they were trying to run a business not a charity. I tried again later for what a transfer fee would be and was told $40. I explained that another guy down the street (Baytown Gunsmithing only has about 3 guns in the store 2 were consignments) was charging $20 they told me to go there.

Now, I mainly buy from other people or gun shows. I can play different tables off each other and get to handle whatever I want.
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New member
I always try to support the local shops. Sometimes, there is a firearm or accessory that just isn't available locally.

Ditto on the FNP9, my friend (ex-Marine) picked one up at a local dealer - awesome pistol, amazing price.