Sometimes a cop is not a cop

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New member
In this case, additionally, sometimes a nurse is not a nurse, and a physician's assistant is not a physician's assistant.

This 18yo has some issues, but apparently he's intelligent enough to pull off some serious cons, and has been doing so since age 13 or so. Seemingly, he just likes to do things, as he hasn't profited by any of these (so far as has been reported, at least).

It's kind of unnerving that a kid could scam so many people in positions of authority.

Good thing the cop he tried to BS was on the ball.,0,6695053.story

I guess my point would be, when in doubt, ask questions; if it seems fishy, it may well be time to call LE.


New member
I can't believe he could have gotten away with any of the things he's done in past...he looks 14 in that picture. The next thing he'll being impersonating will be a shrink after he spends some (needed) time with one.


there is no way to tell anyone in a hospital apart. back in the day each specialty had its own uniform. it was a right and a sign of privilege and accomplishment. sure the nurses uniforms seem funny from say the 40s and 50s, but you knew a nurse at a 1/2 mile away. now doctos, nurses, and janitors all wear the same color and style outfit.


New member
this is scary stuff when you think about it. I hope he gets some time to think about his actions

"In another incident at a St. Cloud dry cleaner's shop, an officer wrote that he almost drew his sidearm after noticing the teen was wearing a bulletproof vest, records stated."

What the heck does this mean?

I know its taken out of context, but if i walk into a dry cleaners wearing a vest, will a cop draw on me?

Theres more details im sure, but this concerns me. Not so much the actual story, but why it would be reported with this slant.


New member
Reading the story, I saw one part where it said in the past an officer almost drew his sidearm when he noticed the kid was wearing a bulletproof vest. Is that a crime in Florida?


New member
The courts should make sure he gets practice at impersonating an inmate for about three years.

Con your cellmate,bud.

Glenn Dee

New member
We called people like this a "BUFF"

This probably happens more often than most people would realize.

I've seen it up close twice
Once there was a young lad who had procured a realistic police shield. Walked into a local police station and identified himself a a member of the "Street Crime Unit" a citywide plain clothed unit, anyway he signed out a local radio so they could monitor the local Pct. Anyway the SCU works on violent felonies. So no one though it unusal when calls for robberies came over and heard " Street crime will handle that" on the radio." At some point SCU started answering aided, and dispute calls. The desk officer sent a sargent to investigate. Turns out the SCU guy was some nut job "BUFFING" Of course he was arrested and charged with Criminal impersonation.

There was another guy who was a subway train buff. He's dress up like a motorman, and take subway trains out. He'd usually be on shedual, and make all stops. He got away with it a few times.

I hope yall dont mind my comparrisons and war stories...


New member
More of a situational awareness thing, 44AMP, and a reminder to make calls when things seem wrong.

Note, though, that the impostor had a gun, as well as police gear.

Pond James Pond

New member
Irresponsible as his actions may be, this young kid has an impressive and rare gift for wearing an alternate persona convincingly. Perhaps the authorities should "redirect" those skills toward something more beneficial to society...

What that might be is up to them to decide...


New member
I can't believe he could have gotten away with any of the things he's done in past...he looks 14 in that picture

They all look like their 14. I've met all sorts of professionals that look that young.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, gents, I read the article and have been waiting for this one to get onto firearms. A civil discussion to be sure, but this is not about firearms and the firearms aspect of the article can't seem to get into this discussion and stay there.

So ... let's move on.

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