Something to look at.......


New member
Friend sent these this morning.

This was taken at the edge of Payne's Prairie which is near Gainesville, Fl.




New member
Thats a nice pie-bald here's a little buck to go with it.this one was taken near Athens GA. Had X,Y,D & Z markings on it.


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New member
Cool pics. I wouldn't have shot that tiny buck though. Would have been nice to see him grow up a bit first.

I haven't gotten a deer yet this year. Only thing that came close enough was a spoon antlered buck. He might have had 3 little points at the top of each spoon. Small body also so I let him wakl


Staff In Memoriam
I would shoot any pie bald or albino that was legal... no sense leaving a genetically inferior specimen to breed if I can at all prevent it...



New member
I've seen a number of piebald deer about in Florida. I guess I just don't see them as genetically inferior, because I think they are beautiful. On the other hand, I don't know that I would hesitate to shoot one if the situation presented itself.

Also, Deerhunter, that size is about normal for Central Florida, they don't get much bigger here, if that big. Now Michigan deer...that's a different story.

For those that are interested, I just watched this pbs video online that shows a whole herd of albino deer in northern Wisconsin. Protected by the state.


New member
We have a few more piebalds we're watchin & have been for 3years but that one was just the right size for the skillet.IF he would of been in VA. I would'nt of shot him either but being he was in GA. He was out of luck.:D


New member
I just started hunting on Ft. Belvoir in VA. From what I hear they have a bunch of piebalds running around over there. I can't wait to see one but I am still not shooting it unless the antlers are at least a good 8pt. Now it is a doe then I am shooting it. I have noticed that the deer even down here in VA are a lot smaller than in PA. Saw a nice 9pt a guy shot over at Belvoir that was only 135 pounds when they put it on the scale, figure it was 2.5-3.5 year old. Up in PA that would have been at least 185 on the scale


New member
Seen one on our farm about 10 years ago while turkey hunting in the spring. If it hadn't been for video footage no one would have believed me. Never did hear anyone else talk about seeing it. Always wondered what happened to it.


New member
There is a couple all white deer by my place, got away from a farm or something. It is against the law to shoot them here tho.