Something to keep the shells from flying out of my auto-loader?


New member
I have a Beretta 391-A Urika. I love shooting trap with it, but am always worried about hitting the guy to my right with the ejecting shell. The short term solution has been to put my Brother on my right, therby erasing any guilty feeling when he gets hit with one :D . One of the regulars at the trap range told me there is some device I can add to the gun to "hold" the shell.

Anyone know of this strange and wonderful accoutrement?


New member
I haven't seen one specifically for the Urika, but I've got one of these for my 1100; it's just a folded piece of thin steel that snaps over the edge of the ejection port, and over the bottom edge of the receiver. This makes the ejection port narrow enough that when the bolt comes back to eject the spent case, the rim on the case can't make it out the port. I'm sure you could make the same thing out of a short piece (3/4") of narrow plastic or rubber tubing with a slit down the side, and just slide it on or off as you need it. When the bolt locks back on an empty mag, the fired case is left protruding out the ejection port, with the rim still inside, so all you need to to is slide the case forward, then out of the receiver once the rim's clear of the block. I hope this helps.
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New member
Shell Catcher

Or...:D ...You can use the old standby, a large rubber band around the receiver and over the ejection port.


New member
IIRC Dave McC said that the rubber bands that the grocery store uses to bind Asparagus and Broccoli together works perfectly.

I'm not sure if he was partial to the asparagus or the broccoli. Try one of each and see. The stuff's good for you, anyway.


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Broccoli, actually. I've given these to various folks who had no shell catchers with them and had them tell me the band works better.

Most gun clubs have the stamped metal catchers available, they sell lots of them to folks shooting next to an auto fan(G).