Something that CNN will never show...


New member
...but throughout that page they incorrectly refer to nuts and bolts.
It's highly unlikely that the victims shown in the images care what they are. And I doubt, were you in their place, you would, either.

Gholam, FWIW, you and your people under the gun over there have my sympathy and support. And remember: nothing lasts forever.

Keep your chin up and your head down.


New member
Dear Gholam,

First, I would like to offer my condolences and moral support for the agony and indignity you and your fellow countrymen are suffering at the hands of the Palestinian terrorists. The world is witnessing a second holocaust and it disgusts me that anyone can take the side of the Palestinians in this conflict.

Regarding the photos, you're correct: the international mainstream media will never show these images. These corrupt "news" organizations (along with the corrupt governments that manipulate them) have been wholly co-opted by the Leftists and turned into outlets for their propaganda. In the US, the mainstream media would not even show a single dead victim of the 3000+ people that were killed in the 11 Sep terrorsist attacks on our own soil.

Nevertheless, while the Leftists are in positions of government power and media control (thus giving them a loud "voice" of supposed authority), they are in fact still a small fraction of the whole population. In the US, I'm sure a vast majority of Americans support Israel in the defense of her people and property. I only hope that your political leadership will soon realize that fact and ignore the vocal--yet insignificant--Leftist politicians, pundits, and media hacks who condemn Israel's self-defense. It is time for Israel to stand strong and wage a total war against the Palistinians. The government of Israel needs to execute the Palestinian leadership (particularly Arafat) and push the Palastinian people out of Israel and into Jordan.

P.S. I don't think Braindead0 was criticizing the Web site, but rather pointing out a technical error. While it is a small error (and irrelevant in the context of what the Web site is about), it should be corrected nevertheless. That Web site is now a media outlet (and a much more valuable one in that it exposes the truth that the "mainstream media" is trying so desparately to hide). As a media outlet, its authors (i.e., journalists) should endeavor to be as correct as possible, even on seemingly irrelevant technical points. The reason for this is that any error, no matter how small, can call into question the accuracy of other aspects of the story. Furthermore, errors (even grammatical ones) can detract from the impact and the true content of the story. And finally, errors give the opposition a means to attack the veracity and credibility of the author/journalist.



Keep us posted over here and foward more "true" pictures of what is going on. We need to spread them around to all our friends.
Also, hang in there, there will be an end to this.

God protect you.

USMC Retired