Something strange happened at Wal-mart


New member
The wife the other day went to wal-mart and I told her to take a walk back to sporting to see if any ammo came in. While standing there the guy behind the counter asked her if she was here to pick up her pistol. She said there was two or three guys looking at there's and making out paper work:confused::confused: I have no idea other than that:confused: They don't even sell long guns there just ammo??


New member
Must have been picking on her.That is indeed weird and i would have gone back and question them my self.Sounds like they were treating her like a woman and not a customer.
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New member
Our Walmart sells long guns and usually has 10-15 rifles and shotguns in the case at any given moment. They usually have a decent selection of ammo too.


New member
I'd take the wife with, and go back to that counter. I'd state that my wife said you guys told her my pistol was in. Watch them squirm now. ;)


New member
I can remember when Walmart did sell handguns. Never been there, but I understand they still do in Alaska. Possibly in other locations.


New member
a bout five years ago you could special order a pistols at wal-mart next time i go i will fine out if they still do:confused:


New member
Rzach they do not special order any handguns,but you can special order handgun ammo.There is a rule they follow and that is you have to buy the whole case.


They were being disrespectful. Bruce nailed it. Go back with the wife and staple it to the losers forehead. That was pretty snotty of them.


New member
WalMarts don't sell pistols.

Well, then someone needs to tell them that up here; guess that they missed that memo. (Alaska) I know that it can take a while for items to get up here on the barge, but you would think that they would be able to use the telephone or e-mail.

I really did not know that they didn't sell them in the lower 49. (Pretty obvious that I don't spend much time at WalMarts out of state.)


New member
I do not know if it is still this way but our Walmart use to sell handguns long ago then they stop carrying them, order only. They did not keep any in stock you had to look through a book and have them order it. I went in once and asked and they pull a book out with the ones they could order with photos. I was just checking the price but did not order one.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
You're kidding, RIGHT?
OK, Disrespectful;"


Okay, wiseguy, I'll ask as well.

What, exactly, is the meaning you believe was conveyed that was intended as disresepect? What was disrespectful or snotty about the exchange. I don't see it. I can't say it wasn't, since I don't understand the OP's version of events at all.