Something is fishy with this auction!


New member
There could be a reaon why he uses two different names, perhaps the one he wanted to use was taken on one of the boards.

as far as selling on both boards...not very kosher, besides he has the reserve set well above what the rifle is worth, IMHO. His buy it now price of 800 dollars is ridiculous.

On one site he is also has some other guns for sale, including the
19C43 Swedish Ljungman 6.5x55 semi auto rifle. Swede copy of m1 Garand.

This person is probably just someone who knows very little about firearms and their worth, and history. Could also be someone just doing an estate liquidation.

Still, no reason to be selling the same gun on two different sites.

I would have to agree, if anyone deals with this guy, they had better be very careful.



New member
Should I email the high bidders informing them of the duplicate auctions? I am thinking that it might make them take extra precautions. Or, is it not my business to tell?
My concern is that he may be selling a recent import for a price that an old import with no import markings would bring.

$800 for a pre-1968 import is high, but it's not out of line.

If, however, it's a post-1968 with importer markings, he's high by quite a bit.

As for mailing him?

I wouldn't, but that's just me.


New member
What Coronach said. I have spotted that happening in the past and hollered. Auction Arms does care and have dumped the seller when it has happened.

Listing one item with two auction houses is fraudulant.
