Someone wanted to see an M1A scout w/Scope


New member
BUddy of mine lent me a scope to see what it looked/handled like. here's a pic:

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New member
Wow! Isn't that thing sittin pretty far forward? Can you see through it very easily?

Example: That 'trophy' buck is galloping away about 250-275 yds away. You think you could aquire the bead on him in time to get a shot off?


New member
The forward mount allows you to keep both eyes open.

That should actually make a long shot easier. It does take a little practice to remember not to close one eye.


Staff Alumnus
Not for me. I learned years ago to keep both eyes open when using a camcorder, and brought this over to scopes.


New member
The scope is a Leupold Scout IER scope. I believe its the same model that sells with the Steyr Scout rifle, the M8. It's 2.75 power, and actually yankytrash, this scope is not sitting forward enough! The rear of the scope does not clear the ejection port, and must be moved a tad forward (if it was my scope). The sight plane is a tad higher than the irons, but sits lower than an Aimpoint or Reflex.

For some reason, this scope mounted on his Model 7 was much faster for me to acquisition than his scope mounted on my M1A. a pic of his rifle here:


This was probably due to the weight difference between the two (probably 2 lbs or so).


New member
Atticus, the Leupold, if you are used to the IER type scopes, would probably be pretty nice. i don't like the Aimpoint on it, and the reflex sits too high. So for right now, I am going to stick with the irons.

Ronin: Iron sights, mount are all Ashley outdoors ( , rings i believe are leupold quick release.


New member

Nice lookin' M1A scout.

Two questions:

The rings look like the A.R.M.S. quick detach. If so, what height are they? Med or High rings? If not, what brand are they?

Second, who did the camo paintjob?


New member
I am not sure about the Ring manuf., i'll have to get back to you on that one. And the camo job was done by fellow TFLer Karsten! matches quite well out here in the desert.


New member
Chiz45--question re: your friend's M-7 scout. Does the rear ghost ring interfere with the shooter's view through the scope?
