Someone is pulling my leg?

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New member
A co worker here told me the National Guard is doing drills on town evacs then going into the homes and removing any and all guns. I cant find any proof of this anywhere, he also belives the m16 round tumbles in flight sooooo. is an AF retired guy says he shot once a year to qualify in the AF on the m16?


New member
OP said:
A co worker here told me the National Guard is doing drills on town evacs then going into the homes and removing any and all guns. I cant find any proof of this anywhere, he also belives the m16 round tumbles in flight sooooo. is an AF retired guy says he shot once a year to qualify in the AF on the m16?

Not my Guard.


New member
There is a lot of hysteria right now. I received two calls yesterday telling me that the Illinois Senate had passed a bill banning all semiauto weapons. My FIL said he was told they were going to make possession of these firearms a felony. The other guy, a normally level-headed friend, was given the same info. Tell your co-worker that weapons that shoot tumbling bullets are the only ones the Guard is looking for...:eek:


Being ex Air Farce myself I can assure that your co worker doesn't know what he is talking about. He is full of it. I fired for quals once a year and I never saw any bullets tumble going through many target butts at various ranges.


New member
Was he wearing one of these?

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