Some thoughts on the upcoming election...


New member
Good post...Vote Bush

This reminds me of what one of the Founders said "We must all hang together or we will all hang seperately."
President Bush may have a checkered past on the 2nd Amendment but he is better than his father. It was one thing for gun owners who did not yet know what Bill Clinton (who had Zell Miller as keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention in '92) was going to be like, to go ahead and tell Bush Sr. to take a hike. Many just stayed home and as I recall the NRA did not endorse the President, which helped to seal his defeat.
Any gun owner who lives in a swing state and does anything other than vote for Bush is doing the wrong thing.
We can all figure out what a John Kerry presidency would look like. It would be like a bad episode of Oz because we'd be taking it up...well I think you get the picture. Boy, I'm sorry I watched that show.
The point is that we do not want a President John Kerry using the bully pulpit of the Presidency to promote gun control as an anti-terror measure.
George Bush will not give us what we want but neither has he show a whole lot of eagerness to try and take things away. Even his support for the AW Ban could only be charitably described as lukewarm. I think that the President does believe in the 2nd Amendment but as he spent much of his youth drinking and fooling around he never had the time to develop a pro-gun political consciousness. Still, he's not an enemy and he's even one of those annoying friends. Take him for what he is.
In short, we have a clear choice this election. Unless you have impossibly high standards on guns or you have other issues that equal guns in importance, you can vote for Bush in good conscience. And if you don't agree with the President on everything, then don't cast your vote for yourself, do it for your fellow gun owners.


New member
Still, he's not an enemy and he's even one of those annoying friends. Take him for what he is.

Yep - a flaky friend, at worst a neutral. But on his worst days, he's not going to campaign with all his heart and soul to take away every gun right that he can.

That is exactly what Kerry will do.