Some things can't be legislated


New member
I worked for 10 years in Missouri state government. The last 5 I worked with many state senators and representatives reviewing, writing, and editing legislation. There was one long term Senator who had a favorite and very truthful expression: "There are two things you just can't legislate, Morality and Common Sense!"

I decided to post this because of the increasing number of posts I am seeing on this and other gun forums which state (paraphrase) .... I agree we need some new legislation in light of recent tragedies.

What the mentally ill person in Connecticut did to those children and adults in that school was a tragedy. BUT, new legislation eroding our 2nd amendment rights in ANY way will NOT prevent future tragedies of a similar nature!

Think for a minute if you would feel differently had the guy used a bus or tractor trailer and rammed it into the school. Would you now be thinking, we need more motor vehicle laws to prevent this? I think not.

Remember, "you can't legislate morality or common sense" and stop giving any credence to the anti-2nd amendment crowd.


New member
The new gun laws in NY and the proposals submitted in Congress are not intended to prevent another baby killer incident. Their intent is to push gun control down our throats. The baby killer tragedy just allows gun-grabbers to justify their actions.