Some Super Bowl trivia for you.


New member
Here's some trivia for you all. If ANY of you have EVER seen one of the promotional displays put up by Master Lock Corp. of Milwaukee in your local hardware store with a #15 lock that was shot by a rifle hanging there for all to see like in the FAMOUS super Bowl commercial then you have seen my handiwork. Yes, I shot those locks. No foolin!
Cramer-Krasselt hired me years ago to shoot THOUSANDS of locks for Masterlocks AD campaign. How's that for cool?


New member
Man, that is way cool. It's been years since I've seen that commercial... I was probably to young to remember when it first came out. But that ad campaign made a whole bunch of us shoot at padlocks from ANY company since we'd seen it on that commercial. I bet I've dusted a least a dozen locks in my time over the years, and I seriously doubt it would have ever occurred to me to shoot a padlock if the seed hadn't been planted in that commercial.

You are famous! :D


New member
I ABSOLUTELY remember those commercials. Now, what I want to know is,
what kind and caliber of rifle did you shoot, at what range, and how many
times did you have lead and steel splattering back in your face?;)



New member
And how many of those thousands did you blow apart before they had one that wouldn't open after being shot??


New member
I'm bumping this 'cause I don't know if anyone got a chance to see this thread.
I think this is pretty cool, and I can't believe others haven't chimed in about those old commercials.

Who else has shot at padlocks of any brand simply because they saw that commercial at a tender age and it just made them want to shoot padlocks?! :cool:


New member
Although quite a lot of testing was done on my part with over 20 different rifles/calibers I used a combination of three main rifles.

1)'03 in 30-06 with AP (Surplus black tip)
This will actually go through three #15 locks "in a row" and get stuck sticking out of the backside of the fourth. "Like Buttah" :D This was my fav rifle that a friend of mine still owns to this day. Damn, it is indeed accurate and a very fine shooter. Also handloaded "ball" ammo. I never missed my POA.

2) I used one of my H&K SR9-Ts in .308 with Handloaded "ball" ammo. I only shot at one lock at a time with this rifle. I never missed my POA.

3) I also used an SKS in 7.62x39. Yup, a $50.00 rifle, with a $300.00 scope on it. Hahahahahahaa. Once again hand loaded "ball" ammo. I never missed my POA.

All shooting was done at 100yds, except for the SKS which was 50 yds, and I never ruined a single lock unless it was intentional on my end. Every lock looked just like the one in the commercial more or less. The "AP" almost looked like I drilled a hole through it. It was such a nice looking hole. :D The hole would get progressively smaller in DIA as it passed through progressive locks until it finally became stuck sticking out the backside of a lock. Religiously so. Neat. I only did this "experiment" to see what the "AP" was capable of. I did in fact experiment quite a bit. It got to the point where I would hang 50 locks at a time on hooks (no, not in a "line" :D but on a backrest that I made, spread out:) just to expedite the process. :D It was a LOT of locks man. :eek: Keep in mind that after I shot the locks they were ALL indeed still fully functional. No fooling. Key worked, open, close. "Lock." "Unlock."

Yes, there is quite a lot of shrapnel involved in shooting locks so DISTANCE is your friend. The amount of shrapnel depended on the caliber/bullet/velocity/distance used. I never was in any harm at the distances I was at. I was given a certain "surplus" of locks in order to do some "testing" with, and also just in case I did miss a few "bulls eyes".

Thanks for the interest guys. It is sincerely appreciate it. -Goodspeed
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john in jax

New member
Keep in mind that after I shot the locks they were ALL indeed still fully functional. No fooling. Key worked, open, close. "Lock." "Unlock."

How on earth can you put a .30 caliber hole through the middle of a padlock - - bearing in mind you are literally peeling parts of the "front" of the lock into the tumblers and blasting/peeling parts of the tumbler mechanism out the back of the lock and have them be

ALL indeed still fully functional.

I can see where some might and could work depending on where you hit, but can't imagine the key slot/hole not being so deformed, in at least a few of the thousands you shot that, that you could not slide the key in. Or if what used to be precision machined tumbler is fragmented by the bullet how it can be engaged by the key?

I don't know, just asking ? ? ?


New member
How on earth can you put a .30 caliber hole through the middle of a padlock

If I shot through the "middle" then the lock was KAPUT. No workie no more. You want to shoot just off center to the right (or left depending on the locks positioning) of "middle". There is a little "window" of opportunity there where ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is on the inside of the lock in that exact spot except AIR. SPACE. Zip, zilch, nada. You have to be very, very precise.

Once again if you MISS this "window" of opportunity your lock will deform to the part of no workie, and/or you will indeed break something important to the function of said lock. I hope this has answered your question. If not, please feel free to ask away. Man this brings back memories.

Here is a general idea of the "window".


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