Some pictures from my trip to Mexico

Is it just me or is this an AR10?


Took this picture in Mexico last week. Didn't think anything of it at first, but then upon further examination, it appeared to be an AR10 or some variant like that. I didn't think these guys carried AR10's.

Took some more pictures of them as well. Saw a lot of M4's, FNC's, and G3's.


This is my little bro who asked the guy if he could take a picture with him.



Don't you dare ever jump into those threads talking about how you need to have a gun on you 24/7 due to crime in the US:p

WildyouarebraverthanmeAlaska ™©2002-2011
I admit it was kind of scary being in Mexico. Lots of police, but not sure how concerned they are with my safety... lol. Let's just say I was constantly looking over my shoulder.

Also, remember, I had to drive through California without a weapon to get to my cruise ship. Almost as scary as being in Mexico... :D


New member
With all the crap going on in mexico i wouldn't be there, unless you're a contractor and thats still a big idk. I have a solution to the whole border situation that i feel would work but it would make the U.S. look very "inhumane" But that is a rant for another thread on another time :p
I understand. I don't think I would be traveling to Juarez or something... but common tourist places like this are safer than random border towns in Mexico. They have to be. If they weren't it would shut down what they have of a legit economy.


New member
It's funny you should post this. I was in Mexico twice last year on business. Both times in the Cancun area. Many of the Federal Police Officers were clearly carrying some sort of AR-10 variant with collapsable stocks, etc.

All of them looked to be very new, with no dings or wear marks. I would guess I saw around 40-50 of them at various times and places.

I even saw one joker that had a huge scope on his. He must have been the DM.
Buford, thanks for sharing. Yeah, I was a little surprised at how many of these guys I saw walking around the various towns.

I also thought, I wonder what people in the US would think if our federal police were walking the streets with automatic weapons...