Some new images

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

I got tired of Microsoft Bob (and the other cutsie animated avatars) and created a MacRunt. I think she is much cuter and far more efficient at eliminating system bugs and viruses.

Suggestions on phrasing welcome: I am trying to explain that, no matter how popular raghead-bashing has become on the net and in real life, people affected aren't tangos but rather fellow Americans. And those fellow Americans have the same Second Amendment rights as the rest of us.



And one of our favorite TFL admins with a plinker: canyou guess who this is?



Moderator Emeritus
Wow, that sure is a dangerous-looking sniper rifle lendringser has, there. We'd better ban it. ;)


New member
That's a Ruger 10/22 right?
Well, if so, it can't be banned, because Bill 'No honest man' Ruger sold his soul to the banners.;)

Tall Man

New member
First image looks good. Wonder if it comes with animation?

As for the image with the Muslim woman....Regardless of the message, I just don't know how many people are in the mood for such a picture. Right now, I'm certainly not. Sorry.


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
This woman's husband is a Kurdish immigrant. His book store got vandalized right after 9-11. I would imagine a lot of the 8 million Muslims in the US are very receptive to the idea that RKBA is their right and their concern, too. That you, Tall Man, are not receptive to the image, simply strengthens my point.

The girl shown in it is American of Irish origin. Are you saying that you don't like seeing her arms just because she chose a religion other than those of which you approve? I think that we have a case of stereotyping and, unlike civilized TFLers, some other people act on their dislikes. I would have no trouble training Muslims in the use of small arms for self-defense, as that would make them safer from mobs bent on pogroms. Same goes for Jews, Christians, Buddhists and the worshippers of the Golden Wombat. I just don't blame millions of people for mis-deeds of a handful of psychopaths half-way across the world just because they are nominally of the same faith. If I were to do that, I might as well blame Lutherans for St.Bartholomew's Night Massacre.

If anyone has ideas on phrasing the above sentiment concisely, I,d appreciate suggestions.

PS: Right to self-protection isn't limited to Americans...any human...just that the rest of the world might have to fight to get their rights recognized...and some are well-armed, laws or no laws.


New member

Normally I like your pictures but I think the middle one not only “misses the x-ring” but also misses the whole target. I understand your point and I agree with it, however this image and text just doesn’t get it across. I dislike criticizing or complaining when I have nothing better to suggest, but while I have no suggestion for an improvement I wanted to let you know that at least when I saw the image your point wasn’t made at all. I will cogitate on it and see if I can’t come up with an idea or two, but I would most humbly suggest that you take another stab at a poster idea that could be great, but didn’t quite make it this time. Keep up the good work!

BTW, I love the MacRunt.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Maybe I ought to re-write it and use the image from the previous poster with a caption: "After being scapegoated for terrorist activity, more Americans learn the value of defensive arms." Or something to that effect...

Help me out, folks...this is a hard concept to illustrate because so many people go into "kill ragheads" mode from just seeing the photo.


New member
Hmm, you might be closer there Oleg. What if you tried showing defense of a home (with kids) or something? Would there be a way you could somehow identify Muslims with "normal" Americans? Maybe show a family walking down a suburban street? Something that immediately hammers in that the Muslim is an American. If you could express that clearly and unequivocally then your point might come across a little better.

Tall Man

New member
Oleg, your responses to my post are just as shrill as any leftist pursuing their latest tangent. Quite surprising, honestly. I've considered you one of the more grounded senior TFL members.

One may choose to be non-receptive to a message, and still (miraculously) respect the sovereignty of the message. I find myself in front of the death squad for politely expressing my disinterest.

Perhaps my observations of your work need to be more verbose, since you appear to be in True Believer mode. It's not any easier when a slew of moderators jump on the conjecture train.

Peace, brother.

Peace to all of you.

Tall Man

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Tall Man,

Sorry if I read too much into your original comment. I also think that you inferred hostility which wasn't intended in my response. I did not say that you should be mistreated. I did say that other people, less civilized than you, have open hostility to Eastern-looking people rather than a polite disinterest. For that reason, I'd like to communicate the idea that the US Moslems should care about BOR as much as other Americans do.


New member
I can see both sides of the coin on this one.

And being one of those Lutherans who wasn't responsible for St. Bartholomew's Night Massacre, I can also see some shrillness in reply. ;)

Racial profiling, as they call it now, is still quite rampant. I'll go one step further and say that it's even encouraged since 9/11/01. Who encourages it? I transited Orlando International Airport the other week enroute to Omaha. Were I of Middle-Eastern descent, I could be GUARANTEED to have extra attention given to my luggage and person.

Security and Law Enforcement still keep a wary eye for people, innocent or otherwise, who match a certain profile. As I'm carrying an M9 or M16 on my monthly Security Forces augmentee duty, I get to read briefings on potential threats that include sightings and possible "casing" of my installation by people of a certain ethnicity. That's bad. Really bad, because it's targeting a certain group of people. Timothy McVeigh wasn't Arab or Muslim, but he did the unthinkable, too.

The deal with your poster, Oleg, is that it's a sensitive topic, even 8+ months after the terrorist attacks. More sensitive, right now, than even the standard 2nd Amendment fare. Maybe too sensitive for some folks who don't need to be, or particularly care to be, reminded of last fall's events.

Your "in-your-face" style of posters are always very good at getting the message across to the readers. That's commendable, heck, even the anti's are starting to use them, a somewhat insincere form of flattery if ever there was. But the shock value still can hit the wrong nerve, even if it was carefully designed from the start to avoid such a happening.

I know, I know, if I don't like the message, I can surf another website or forum. Nobody's forcing me to look at the poster. If the slew of TFL moderator backup/support is indicative of how we're supposed to think on this forum, dissenting viewpoints may be a thing of the past, at least, or highly disencouraged. I'm well aware of the Nisei relocation camps. After 16+ years of military service I need not be reminded by a forum moderator of how wartime history goes. I'm also aware of the fact that it was a wartime contingency, against a known enemy. The American people of the time authorized their President (FDR) to conduct such a campaign in an effort to bring a quicker end to the war. Same for the A-Bomb. Were either of them the right thing to do? At the time, they were. It saved U.S. GI's lives. Here in 2002, in the middle of another war, we're paying for our sins of the past, the Nisei camps, Native American relocation, even businesses who had a beginning during the slave trade. Do I think we're gonna repeat such relocations in the current war against terrorism? Probably not. Some might say it's already started in Guantanamo Bay. Maybe history's bound to repeat itself after all...

I don't like the profiling and hatred toward our fellow humans. But when tasked to keep an eye open for suspicious persons who fit a certain description, I'll continue to do my duty as sworn. It's hard to keep the two mindsets separate. I feel sorry for the folks whose job requires them to arrest and apprehend people who fit such a description, while maintaining decorum and objectivity. I'd be the first to buy them a drink, the stresses must be astounding.

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Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Irrespective of the (obviously questionable) merits of my graphics, what can we do to convince all the folks who are getting harrassed (be they Sikh, Hindu, Moslem, Jewish and so on) that they have to rely primarily on themselves to stay undamaged? And, as a corollary, that they better support the same rights for all Americans.


New member
I shouldn't have sounded so vociferous.

In retrospect, I may as well add "warmonger" to my moniker.

I'm posting to the forum because I have the day off. How we got the day off is somewhat tension related, which can easily be identified with this message thread.

Air Combat Command declared today a "Family Day". With the current rate of deployments and long duty hours, brought about by the events of 09/11/01, family means just a little bit more to military people this Memorial Day weekend. The brass decided to extend the normal 3-day weekend by one day for folks to spend more time with their husbands, wives, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, significant others, or whoever one deems as family.

That's a nice gesture. It means even more to folks on my base and unit. The high operations tempo generates stress. How much stress? In the month of May, there have been 3 suicides in a 3-week period on my base. One of the suicides was in my own unit. This is not a good trend. The deployment and operations tempo shows no sign of slowing down, not for a minute. People's lives are being disrupted in varying degrees. They cope with it in different ways, some benign, some not-so-benign. In my immediate circle of flyers, it's even manifest. My divorce was recently finalized. A fellow flyer goes to divorce court next month. Three more are undergoing counseling at Life Skills, with questionable success. The current joke is that we're all afflicted with AIDS - Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome. "Are we married to the Air Force or our spouses?"

Others decided that the stress was simply too much. My unit just underwent a squadron-wide Suicide Prevention and Awareness briefieng after the most recent suicide. Needless to say, you could've heard a pin drop in that briefing. :(

People are on edge. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. I'll do my best not to make things worse. And that includes not getting flippant when I see a poster I disagree with on my favorite forum.;)