Some military ballots being thrown out?


New member
I just heard on the radio that military ballots with missing or "illegible" postmarks are being thrown out. Anybody else heard this?


New member
That's the way it works.

BTW, it doesn't apply to military ballots, but absentee ballots in general.

John Marshall

New member
The part of the process of checking absentee ballots that bothers me the most is verifying the signature on the envelope. They are comparing this actual signature with a computer registry of signatures that appear on the monitor screen about the size of the next smaller font than this post. How can a reasonable comparison be made that way?


New member
So let me get this straight: absentee ballots of the military will be thrown out if they aren't perfect, and they must have everything just right, but those folks down in Palm Beach who can't read, can't write, and sound stupid as hell on TV get to vote twice? They even have whole battalions of workers (psychics) using DNC ouigi boards to determine if someone "intended" to vote for Al Gore, but didn't punch his name. This is disgusting. Why don't the networks harp on this double standard instead of defending miscreants?


New member

I hope you are right, because the news is reporting that many military absentee ballots are being rejected because they are not postmarked...



New member
Don't they have (or shouldn't there be) a setup where all incoming absentee ballots are date/time stamped on arrival?

It seems to me then, that any ballot received within x amount of days after the election would still be viable.

Depending upon postmarks from mail coming in from all sorts of off-the-wall countries and places (courier pouches, etc.) would seem to me to call for an alternate way of authentication.

Usual demo hypocrisy that's not mentioned (surprise!) is that the same crowd who said techicalities should not interefere with "every person's right to vote" and now tossing off absentee ballots left and right on

I have a BAD feeling this election will be stolen in broad daylight and the media will just nod approvingly and high-five each other.

BOY, I hope I'm wrong.


New member
I'm surprised by any lack of postmarks. All of the APOs I've used have been very contientious about postmarking every piece of mail as it came in. I wonder if these are the "lost" ballots recently found onboard ships at sea? In the rush to get them here they may have not been postmarked. Or a Cintonite Ship's Captain may have rushed the bags off ship before the postal clerks had the chance to cancel them properly. That bears some looking into.


New member
So let me get this straight: absentee ballots of the military will be thrown out if they aren't perfect, and they must have everything just right, but those folks down in Palm Beach who can't read, can't write, and sound stupid as hell on TV get to vote twice? They even have whole battalions of workers (psychics) using DNC ouigi boards to determine if someone "intended" to vote for Al Gore, but didn't punch his name. This is disgusting. Why don't the networks harp on this double standard instead of defending miscreants?
They're not going to vote twice.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Ding, it seems to me that some have voted 2 or three times already.

Be Good Boys and Girls... ALGORE IS WATCHING YOU!

There is an interesting story about it on FOX NEWS:
Ed Gillespie, a Republican strategist working for Bush in Florida, said 110 of 113 write-in ballots, mostly from military forces, were invalidated by officials in Miami-Dade County. He said more than half were thrown out because they had no witness or witness address listed but "the form doesn't indicate that a witness is necessary."
I feel rather vexed at the moment.

Hard Ball

New member
In Broward county, a democratic stronghold. 83% of the absentee ballots have been thrown out. The Secretary of State put out instructions that if a ballot does not have a dated postmark the envelope is to be opened and if it is signed and dated it is to be counted. THe democrats are saying they will not follow her instructions. Why, because staewide the absentee ballots are going 2 to 1 for Bush.