Some good advice would be useful!

Ok so I'm looking into removing the bluing off of my slide...(and I rather not say who and or what gun it is because that's a whole other debate for another day). What I kinda need to know is what's the best process for the best results? I just wanna remove the bluing, polish it up nice and shiny. My concern however is will it rust if I use (Mothers mag & aluminum polish)over time? Any advice is good advice. Thanks!


With no bluing or any finish you will need to keep a thin layer of oil on it all of the time. Lots of competition shooters will work on a gun and shoot it with no finish (called "in the white") until everything is tweaked to perfection and then send it off for finishing. I have done this for years. But if you get careless on the oil you'll probably see some rust. Keep an oily rag in a baggie in your range bag. Wipe every single fingerprint off if the gun gets handled. It's just like using an old carbon steel knife. Wipe it off every time you use it. For polishing I would use Scotchbrite pads and very fine grit wet or dry sandpaper (600 to 1500 grit). Do not use a Dremel or a buffer, do it all by hand. Go to an auto parts store that sells supplies for body work. They'll have what you need. Aluminum wheel polish won't work very well on hardened steel. Fine sandpaper will give you a mirror finish. That type of finish will show every little scratch though and be more susceptible to rust than a bead blasted rough surface that will hold more oil onto the metal.
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New member
Brake Fluid?

We use brake fluid to remove paint from plastic models---no harm to plastic. It might work on blueing also.