Some crazy guns from the past

Creek Henry

New member
Wonky, man




New member
My favorite is the hand mortar, and early version of the M-79 grenade launcher, or elephant gun as we called 'em. Same principle, lob a large explosive round at your enemy in hopes of getting not one, but two or three of the bad guys.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I always liked the helmet pistol, a gun built into a helmet and aimed by looking at the target, an early version of a heads up display. It was fired by blowing into a tube, the air pressure pushing the trigger. I imagine one in .500 S&W would give the shooter neck strain after a couple of shots.



New member
Okay, the guns are seriously odd but the holsters, now they would really be odd.

Thanks for posting this...sometimes makes me wonder if we aren't as ... creative as folks were in the 1800's.


New member
Maybe the sights are wacky, one cross hair obviously fell out and the rear sight, what were they thinking?

Too bad the barrel is a sewer pipe, but the pistol does go bang.






New member
Strangely enough, my wife was watching "Auction Hunters" last night, and they found a harmonica pistol from the 1840s. I was shocked when I saw it, and she was way shocked when I was right about what it was :) They got about $10,000 for it, and its retail value would be closer to $20K.