Solarforce fans?


New member
Any flashlight-a-holics here :)

I'm up to about 20 now. BUt, Besides Inova and Eagletac, I really like the Solarforce line of lights..

Any other flashlight fans here?




New member
Eagletacs are my #1 fav, but the solarforce lights are awesome surefire clones.

I've read some head to head comparisons, and some have claim the light bodies on the solarforces to be done with better finishing on certain models compared to Surefire.

However, I will admit that surefires are fantastic lights (with awesome customer service) but their LED tech is behind the curve compared to other brands, and they cost WAY too much.
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New member
Pic of my 8 Solarforce lights now :)



My flashlight collection now :)

- Eagletac M2XC4 MKII Cool LED
- Eagletac P20C2 MKII Cool LED
- Eagletac T20C2 MKII Cool LED
- Eagletac T100C2 MK II Cool LED
- Inova T2-MP
- Inova XO
- Inova XO3
- Solarforce L2 (R2 Drop in - Sand colored)
- Solarforce L2 (R5 Drop in - Gunmetal)
- Solarforce L2 (R2 Drop in - Black with "attack bezel")
- Solarforce L2P (R5 Drop in - Black with stainless strike bezel)
- Solarforce L2P (R5 Drop in - Black with stainless strike bezel)
- Solarforce L2M (R2 Drop in - Black with black strike bezel)
- Solarforce L2M (R2 Drop in - Black with small black bezel)
- Solarforce L2X (R2 Drop in - Black two cell model)
- Maglight 3D LED
- Maglight w/ Fusion 36 Showerhead LED
- Mini Maglite with LED Conversion
- Coleman Max AAA (Spot to Flood model)
- C30 Flood-to-Throw AAA
- C30 Flood-to-Throw AAA

21 total :)