Sokolovsky Auto

Single Six

New member
Growing up in the '80s,I spent countless hours poring over every gun magazine I could get my hands on. I vividly recall looking through the Guns And Ammo annuals,which contained gun catalogs in the back section. I also recall seeing in these catalogs a very unique piece called a Sokolovsky. It was a stainless .45 auto,supposed to have been handmade and all controls contained within the trigger guard. It was also pretty expensive. Does anyone out there own, or have experience with,one of these guns? I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how well they shot,how reliable were they,etc. If anyone reading this does own one,could you please post some photos? Thanks as always guys;this internet stuff is still new to me,but I'm enjoying the heck out of this forum.

lee n. field

New member
Interesting. Never heard of it before.

Kind of a '70s look to it.


James K

Member In Memoriam
I vaguely recall that the Sokolovsky was one of those essentially hand made guns that are written up in one or two gunzines and then vanish without a trace. Someone called them "gunzine specials" as they have their moment of fame and are never heard from again.

There are a lot of reasons for that, even when there is limited production. Poor design is one of them (the Kimball is an example), novelty but no real need is another (Dardick), and inability of the inventor to raise the capital needed for production (many). Most, though, are just an idea that resulted in one prototype being made and then written up as the next great advance in firearms technology. One I recall was a revolver, based on an S&W, which had two barrels; the cylinder had a ring of .357 chambers and an outer ring of .22 chambers. It was touted as an advance, even though the same thing has been tried dozens of time without success - it ends up being too heavy.

