"Soft" shooting .45 round for the Girlfriend?


New member
Well "we" just got "our" first 1911, and she loves the way it feels, and can not wait to shoot it. This being my first .45, I am not sure what is out there as far as low recoiling rounds go. I have heard that it is more of a push than flip with 230gr. ball. Is there anything you guys can recomend for her? I would feel bad if she didn't like shooting it, as she has been fondling it more than me. Thanks in advance guys.


Moderator Emeritus
Have you tried some 200gr SWC loads? They are mild-recoiling and leave a nice, satisfying, circular hole in the paper.


New member
Let her shoot it first. You never know. She might take to it right away.

Watch out with loads that are too mild. You may need to swap out the recoil spring with a lighter one in order to keep it functional.


Moderator Emeritus
Brian48 said:
Watch out with loads that are too mild. You may need to swap out the recoil spring with a lighter one in order to keep it functional.

True 'dat. A lot of 1911 clones are oversprung from the factory these days to begin with, as though they expect you to shoot a lot of +P ammo or something...


New member
I rarely see SWC at retailers. When I've purchased it, it's been through online suppliers. So I'd second the recommendation for 230gr FMJ. A lot of the other 45 ACP that you'll find in gun shops is likely to be +p (i.e. high pressure). Ball ammo really isn't bad in a 1911, recoil wise. Just make sure that she's set-up properly w/ her grip and stance, the pistol will take care of the rest.

If you want to try some SWC, MagTech's plated SWC is pretty mild. So is BlackHill's lead SWC.


New member
My standard load for .45 ACP target loads is a 200 grain LSWC over 3.8 grains of Hogdgon Clays. My Springfield Milspec with standard recoil spring cycles them with no problem.


New member
Taurus Hex 185gr [that feature Barnes' all-copper XPB bullets] is the lightest recoiling .45 load i'm aware of. It's difficult to locate, but arguably the hardest-hitting for SD.

For range ammo, check out 185gr wadcutters made by W-W, R-P and Fed

chris in va

New member
Hey DD, tell you what. My friend really enjoys my Sig 220. Why? Because it has a lot of 'flip'. She thinks the 22 is a toy.

You may be surprised, powerful guns can be empowering to certain people.


New member
I'm not 100% sure but I think someone might make a 160gr. 45ACP round. THat would be very controllable.


New member
Why not just let her shoot it and see what happens. My g/f shoots everything I own with ease. From my Ruger LCP to my S & W 500 Magnum. She's only 5' tall and 110 lbs. and handles all firearms with ease. You might be suprised.


New member
Let her try it +1

I just got my first 1911 a month and the first day at the range my girl wanted to try it. She has tried the M&P .40 full size so when she asked about the .45 i let her try it.

BIG MISTAKE :) LOL I think I need to buy another 1911 because my girl loves to shoot the .45 with the 230 grn winchester white box no problems.

IMO let her try it and see what she thinks. Let us know how it goes.