Socialist and proud of it!


Staff Alumnus
People in Colorado tend to be rather proud of the fact that they live here, Bog knows why. There are a lot of stickers modeled after the design of our license plate, namely a green mountain skyline against a white background. Then there's white text on the mountains, saying things like "NATIVE". You locals know what I'm talking about.

So. Sitting in stalled traffic on I-25 last night, I saw a Pathfinder with one of these stickers. The text:


Um... dude? That's NOT a compliment. The rest of Colorado laughs at Boulder as being more Berkeley than Berkeley. I mean the '60s flower-power turn-on-tune-in-drop-out Berkeley, where everyone was free to do their own thing as long as they did the same thing as everyone else. :rolleyes:


Staff Alumnus
Madison, funny you mention that. I'm going to the birthplace of Adolf Hitler and Gaston Glock tomorrow.

Just, please, no jokes about Vienna sausages. :p


New member
I remember trying to decide which University to attend in Colorado. I went to the Hill to check out C.U. I kept seeing all of these white kids decked out in dirty tie-dye tee shirts, ragged jeans, berkenstocks, with dreadlocks and slathered in that smelly pechuli (sp?) oil who were driving $80,000.00 BMWs.

Thank goodness for Colorado State University and Fort Collins.


New member
You just got a small taste of what it's like to grow up in California. Welcome to the real world.

Garand Illusion

New member
Dude ... Boulder is awesome. All the whacko's in one place, and state pre-emption to make sure they don't get nuts with gun laws (there are still some issues with that -- hopefully the courts will work it out the RIGHT way). And not enough whackos to affect how the state votes overall. Poor people there have to watch helplessly while Colorado votes Red.

I love Boulder. I loved going to college there. I love visiting there now, packing heat legally and thinking how many people would FREAK if they knew.

The real problem is Denver ... not as hard core left wing as Boulder, but there are so many people there they affect the whole state.


New member
When I was in CO the movie "The Godfather" came out .Almost everyone I knew there thought that it was all a Hollywood invention. They had no clue that Boulder had been a Mafia center since the thirties !!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: