Social Change

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New member
Anyone out there trying to improve their State's political climate socially? I think States like Texas need to enact a law requiring schools to teach the 2nd Amendment, the reason for it with historical reasons, and shooting/gun safety lessons. States like Texas need to deal with Liberals moving into your State from California or New York.


New member
I concur with you, burbank.

Additionally, NO federal bailout for states that have squandered or given away their own treasury...the fiscally responsible states should not have to pay for mismanagement and dereliction by those irresponsible states...

Please refer to the sticky post setting forth the rules for the L&CR discussion area.

Discussions in this forum will be centered upon legal issues as they relate to the 2nd Amendment and other Civil Rights. Constitutional law (which would encompass separation of powers, the impairment of contracts clause, the full faith and credit clause, etc., as well as the Bill of Rights) will also be on topic. Straight political discussions or partisan politics will be off topic. Our primary test for partisan politics in this forum is the mention of candidate's or party names. While some political discussion will necessarily crop up as an adjunct to the civil rights issue(s) of the individual thread(s), we expect that this will be a much smaller part of the discussion at hand.

The opening post here seems a bit nebulous to be a fit here, and it's also borderline political. I'm going to close it. If someone thinks it needs to be open and can explain how it complies with the rules, feel free to send a PM to one of the moderators and we'll discuss it.

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