So you get a letter in the mail...


New member
...saying "please dear sir, turn in your guns effective immediately." (Although probably not as politely stated.)

What do you do?


I would probably frame it and hang it where I would see it everyday, as a reminder what I am going to have to fight for, and as a reminder to work harder so I can buy more guns.

Oh, and laugh as I go and clean my guns.

If you want them, come and get them. It shouldn't be too hard...recieving them BULLETS FIRST.

(Reading Oleg & Runt's site, and I'm a little worked up!)


Moderator Emeritus
Send back a polite letter saying "No."...

How it goes from there is up to them. If officers Reed and Malloy come knocking politely on my door with a properly signed warrant, it looks like a trip to jail and a court battle that will be as public as I can make it; if they want to play army games on my front lawn, then I'll probably wind up dead. :(


Time to bug out and regroup at the rendevoux point. Lawyers and a court battle would be kind of moot at that point.

"Maybe they'd give em back if I dumped some cash in the lawyers hands" :rolleyes:


New member
Go out to the range, tack the letter up on the target board, and put a few rounds through it dead center. Then mail it back to the sender.


Member In Memoriam
Take up a position in concealment away from, but in sight of home, lock and load, and wait.........................If I can get 3 or 4, old Joe down the road can get 3 or 4 and then old Pete a little farther down gets 3 or 4................why before long there wont be anyone left to pick em up will there?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
(Reading Oleg & Runt's site, and I'm a little worked up!)

As I've stated before, I am basically a coward and have a real aversion to being in combat. What keeps the other side so un-safe is that I am even more afraid of being unequipped to be in combat if need arises in the future...of being at the mercy of the same thugs who want us disarmed. Any threat sufficient to get my attention is also sufficient to make me too afraid to wait for the no-knock. In short, the other side better not use threats because someone with even less willingness to wait for an announced attack might take the initiative...right through their dumb skulls.

Your idea of administrative punishments for non-compliance is quite realistic. "Register or turn in or else we'll suspend your driver's license" sounds like the way for Califonia and similar trashcanistates to get some of the guns. I wonder how willing any agency or individual would be to put their signature on the request, knowing that the author of the order would be dead within hours?


New member
Citizen, could you explain your post "E S and D"? It sounds interesting and I don't want to miss out on it. Thanks.


New member
I believe citizen's post refers to a demand that the offending authority ingest excrement then succumb.

Futo Inu

New member
TallPine: "Go out to the range, tack the letter up on the target board, and put a few rounds through it dead center. Then mail it back to the sender."

:D Excellent!

That reminds me of the ol boy who got a speeding ticket from one of those automated speed traps - the city mailed him a picture of his vehicle and the speed readout at the time, with the ticket. So he proceeds to mail them a picture of some currency totaling the amount of the fine. The city then sends him a picture of a pair of handcuffs. He then sends actual cash. Supposedly true.


New member
I'd POSSIBLY turn in the ones that are on paper. But on my way I'd drain my bank account buying ammo for the ones that aren't.