So who's behind the disarmament conspiracy?


New member
We all know the potential consequences of disarmament. We all know that those who wish to take away your guns are NOT doing it for your own good.

My question is, who is behind this disarmament push in the US? What group, individual? What is their ultimate goal? There must be something in mind...

Are Americans the next to be victims of genocide?

Or is the gun-control movement just a case of the sheep bleating too loudly, nothing more?

I do hope I do not come off as paranoid, or a conspiracy theorist, but history shows that those govts. who disarmed their populace did so with an agenda; an ultimate goal in mind.

Is our govt. really any different?

Gun control is even more fatal to the health of our nation with all the new powers the govt. is giving itself in the war on terrorism.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I don't see any broadspread conspiracy, as such. I do see disparate groups who are working in parallel, and sometimes directly in cooperation.

Some legislators sincerely don't believe that private citizens should own firearms, or non-hunting firearms. Others are sincere in their belief that registration of all firearms would reduce crime. (Doesn't matter whether they're right or wrong; this is what they believe.)

Some legislators resent the idea that the citizenry can resist the will of central government. Their issue is control in order to create their version of a perfect society. In general, these are the liberal politicians, those who are quite active in perfecting the world. They naturally ally with news media folks, most of whom are of a liberal political persuasion.

The media also is driven by the need to lure viewers by showing excitement, in order to sell advertising. Thus, "If it bleeds, it leads." and we have the focus on gun crimes. Their own urban ignorance provides the "The gun dunnit!" format to their presentations. This scares the next group I mention:

The urbanization of America dramatically reduced the percentage of the population which grew up with guns, "Hunting on Grampaw's farm", taking firearms for granted as tools. Many of this percentage of our people are readily led into the notion that fewer guns means less crime; guns are a big mystery to them.

There are two forces at work right now. Those wishing for control are accelerating their efforts. The public at large is coming to realize the government is essentially powerless to protect in advance of Bad Deeds, and a goodly percentage is working toward personal self defense.

Be interesting to see who wins, and how it affects future elections.



New member
Cofi Annon and the boys.............

It's the U.N.! America will be the last place for them to strike. They already tried with the small arms proliferation act they tried to pass...................What's that?..................Helicopter?....................Re-attaching my tin foil hat!:eek: :eek: :eek:


One doesnt have to look far or hard to see that the UN is a major force in the gun control movement.

They make their intent very clear in the article entitled "Freedom from War".

None other than John F Kennedy signed on to this.

It basically states that the ultimate goal is to bar private ownership of all weapons.

If you look at the status of free nations in the last 20 years, it becomes painfully obvious that something is up.

We are about the last nation left that has "unrestricted" ownership of guns. I say "unrestricted" in the sense that most Americans can still own them. We have states her that are very anti gun, most of you know which ones.

The problem with the UN that I can see, is that many of our leaders actually embrace the ideals of the UN, some have publically stated that their goals are more important for the "common good"of society. I see the UN as the most corrupt anti-US force on earth and anyone that aids or abets it is pretty much guilty of treason.

The real beauty of it is the people that refuse to see it for what it is.


New member
My question is, who is behind this disarmament push in the US?
Career Politicians.
What group, individual?
Career Politicians-- fill in the party--one's the same as the other(s).

What is their ultimate goal?
To stay in office, and do their best to insure their posterity remain the *Aristocary* of AmeriKa. The *Elected Royalty* so to speak. It really is as simple as that.

(Look at the 2000 Presidential election.
George Bush,,son of Bush the elected.
Al Gore,,son of Gore the elected. )

Randy B

New member
"The United Nations is very troubled that the United States has retained its Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Radical new UN proposals treat free people with the means to effect their own self-defense as a vital threat to the United Nations and its quest for what it calls the "peace-building process."

More troubling still is the fact that for the first time this radical UN agenda represents a clear and present danger to our right to keep and bear arms."


Look at the "Need" thread here in L&P. It is the Party and Big Brother. He is infalliable you know?


New member
It's the U.N....and lots of lesser groups

Over the past few decades, the 'gun control' movement has become more and more unified and well-funded at the international level. While these folks are most certainly misguided, many of them are excellent networkers and know how to get money for their programs. Sources such as the Soros Foundation have deep pockets for anti-gun agendas. The U.N. is fully behind the disarming of civilian populations everywhere, and the momentum is increasing. It fits nicely with the "global village" twaddle of Etzione and other one-worlders, and certainly serves the ends of the petty-tyrant states who make up most of the U.N. membership. These power-brokers realize the threat which an armed population poses to authoritarian government (many of the 'states' of the U.N. are ruled by parties which came to power by violent means). It is an impressive array of forces who are now opposing the ownership of arms by individual citizens, and virtually the only opposition at governmental levels is from the U.S..:eek:


Well, follow the money trail. It leads straight to them. Last time I read the 'hit list' of names it was The Rockefellers/J.P.Morgan, The Warburgs, The Rothchilds, Goldman Sachs, Israel Sieff, Lazard Freres, Lehman Brothers, and the Kuhn Loeb Company.

(Money is the root of all evil). What it comes down to is these are they who own the Federal Reserve. Dont mess with the bankers cause you'll die. Kennedy was killed because he signed the silver certificates into existance which would have gave America interest free money and put the Federal Reserve out of business.
He died. Abraham Lincoln was killed because he printed 'greenbacks' in an attempt to get rid of the 'colonial scrip'. He died. Now that I think about it, When jesus went into the temple and overturned the 'moneychangers' tables and drove them out...What was it? Four days later that HE was dead?

Maybe a stretch. Odd coincidences to be sure. War is big business for banks. (Through different channels), Loan money to both sides for the effort and the rebuild later on. They aspire to have a one world bank and eventually it will go cashless.

I'm guessing that the bloodlines from the above hit list could be traced back to before Christ. The s**t has already hit the fan, they've just been slowly turning up the heat for a long time. The U.N. was probably (no matter what they said) created just to be a tool to help circumvent the U.S. Constitution. A ruling 'power' without a country? Sign treaties with the U.N. and it constitutionally becomes the law of the land.

THAT brings us to gun control. Its easier to oppress the peasents if they're unarmed! The Federal Reserve will get to be the global bank, the U.N. 'hidey-highs' in concert with the U.S. Govt 'hidey-highs' will get to be the global cops. disarm everyone but them and here are my papers sir. :barf:

Us Christian Americans have been the biggest thorn in their side since the begining of time...:D

How's that for a conspiracy theory? Or is my tin foil hat too tight?;)

The way I see it, we've got a duty to stand behind our government by refusing to be controlled by them. Huh? Think about it...;)


At least Jesus rose from the dead and won!

The disarmament conspiracy is simply one battle in the same war. Like any thinking man cant see a classic sucker punch coming. 'Lay down your guns, we're all friends here, heheh':rolleyes:

We was all born into a preexisting state of war, are behind enemy lines, and there is no de-militarized zone.